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Probably, if you were insured 2 years ago.

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Q: You are being sued for an accident 2 years ago will your car insurance handle this?
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How long does an insurance company bill you for an accident on your insurance policy?

Generally your premiums are increased for 5-7 years.

How long does a car accident stay on your insurance in the state of California?

5 years.

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No more than 3 years.

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If you are a considering ALLSTATE, they will award a safe driver discount if you have carried the same liability coverage and been accident free for the last three years.

How many years will an accident remain on your insurance record in Ca?

Your claims history is usually viewable for 5 years from date of incident.

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How long does it take to lower the premium once it has been raised?

This will depend on what type of insurance and what the reason was for the premium being raised. If your auto insurance was raised because of an accident, ticket etc then the rules of the company and/or the state will drive the answer. In CA an accident is generally not counted against you after three years, a ticket after five. A DUI would be longer. Homeowners

Can insurance make you pay if cars behind you get in accident?

I've got a feeling there is more to this than the question states. The answer is if you caused the accident and the police and/or insurance investigator state that you caused the accident then yes you can be at fault and liabile to pay for damages. For full disclosure, I own and operate a small Independent Insurance Agency in Gordon, Georgia and have for 22 years. I also worked as an agent for a direct writer for 3 years before that.

How does young driver motor insurance differ from regular motor insurance?

Motor insurance for young, inexperienced drivers is always much more expensive. This is due to the much greater risk of a young driver being involved in an accident, and also because they have not built up a safe driving record over a number of years.

How much will I get from a no fault passenger car accident?

I would say 5-10 years for insurance fraud if you have no real injuries.

How long does an at fault accident stay on your driving record in Texas?

An at-fault accident and other traffic violations will stay on your driving record for 3 years, but your insurance company may charge you higher premiums for 5 or more years.