Most insurance companies offer all kinds of discounts, if you are a safe driver with no tickets or accidents then you will get a discount for that. As for a discount for just being a woman all you can do is ask, but I think that being a safe driver is a better bet at saving you money.
Allstate does provide insurance for the Mercedes Benz. Allstate provides both Bumper-to-Bumper Basics insurance as well as State Specific Coverage. Allstate also offers driver discounts such as the Safe Driver discount, Student discount, and Senior discount.
According to reviews, Progressive seems to offer the best safe driver discount, though only marginally.
Many insurance companies will do a first time customer discount, or a safe driver discount. The most appropriate place to go would be a main stream insurance company and ask them to compare their rates with other providers.
All the major auto insurers have some sort of safe driver discount, e.g. Progressive, State Farm, Geico, Allstate. and will both give you competing rates for insurance in your area. Your quote will be lower than one who has been in many accidents.
Safeco insurance offers the following discounts: Safeco Safety Package saves up to 15%, Safeco Safety Rewards for accident forgiveness and accident prevention, Teen Safety Rewards: good student discount, driving training discount, distant student discount, teen safe driver discount, low mileage discount.
There are many great ways to get discounts on automobile car insurance. A good way is to shop around and check multiple automobile car insurance companies and see which offer the best deals. Also, being a safe driver with no previous accidents will help a person get a discount.
Australian Associated Motor Insurers Limited (AAMI) offers a discount program called Safe Driver Rewards.
All insurance companies offer a discount for a good driving record.
There are many insurance companies cheap. Example progressive insurance has great rates.
When looking for a great auto insurance quote, one of the best ways to quickly find a discount is to ask about defensive driver programs. Most auto insurance companies offer these discounts to any driver who successfully completes an official driving course approved by the insurer. Defensive driving discounts can result in savings of 20% or more for an auto insurance policy holder off of the cost of monthly premiums and the classes required are typically very simple and inexpensive. Of course, not every driving course will qualify a driver for this special type of discount. Even so, researching these cost cutting programs before looking for an auto insurance quote can be a great idea for any driver that will keep his or her costs down from month to month. Defensive driver courses have also been shown to promote safe, smart driving habits and to decrease the risk of a major accident. For any driver, these benefits are substantial, and understanding a defensive driver discount program is a great way to get teh most out of an auto insurance quote.