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It really depends on the circumstances of the claim, and if you were At Fault.

If you were at fault, and you need to use your comprehensive/collision to pay for your damages you probably will be looking at a noticeable increase unless you are over 35 and have never had an accident it may only go up by a few dollars here and there.

If you weren't at fault but require the use of your coverage to pay for your own damages because the other person had no insurance depending on the severity you MAY be looking at an increase but depending on how much coverage you elected or how high your deductible is it may not increase.

Like I said it varies from case to case and rules, regulations are a fluid thing often bent and not followed up with. There's no definite for every scenario. Hope this helps.

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Q: Will your premium go up if you file a claim on your comprehensive auto insurance policy?
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A comprehensive insurance policy would probably cover damage as described. However, the deductible and potential premium increase for making a claim might make it more advantageous to not make a claim.

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A claim for windscreen glass will not normally affect the no claims discount of a motor insurance policy.... but your policy may be different, you need to read what it says.

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You will have to file a claim on your own comprehensive auto Insurance. The comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy would provide coverage.

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The excess is what the policy holder has to pay before the insurance company starts to pay. If excess is $100 Damage is $300 the policy holder gets $200.

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If yours is a general question, you can ask a board member to get an answer from the master insurance policy carrier, where the association's comprehensive general liability insurance premium is generally paid. Also, ask about the deductible amount in the case of a claim. If you carry an HO-6 condominium unit owner's policy, you can ask your agent to verify your liability coverage under the master policy -- or potentially under your HO-6 policy. If you have a claim, again, by going through your HO-6 policy agent, you can give the opportunity to answer to the insurance companies, who will resolve the question according to the coverage that the premiums pay for. In this case, you also need to understand who pays the deductible in the case of a claim. As a citizen, generally, you would carry your own comprehensive general liability insurance, so that you're covered regardless of where you live.

Is insurance premium part of deductible?

The insurance premium is the amount you pay the insurance company every month. The insurance deductible is the set amount which you pay out of pocket for repairs after you make a claim. For example... you may pay $100 to the insurance company every month for the insurance policy and have a $500 deductible. If you file a claim you are expected to pay for $500 of the repairs yourself, while the insurance policy covers anything above that amount up to your max limits.

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No, An auto theft or vandalism would have to be covered by the vehicle owners comprehensive auto insurance policy. that's what Auto Insurance is for.

What is no claim bonus in car insurance?

You pay annual premium on your policy. So, In case of an accident or damage you don't have to pay the huge cost of repair. So what happens when you don't make any claim on your car insurance, Insurance companies reward you for your good driving skills, for not making any claims by giving you a bonus. This bonus is in the form of discount on your premium when you renew your policy. You can avail your no claim bonus even if you change your insurance company or your car! There are two cases in your no claim bonus goes away! 1. When you make a claim 2. When you don't renew your policy within 90 days of it expiring

Can you make a claim on a insurance binder?

If you have applied for insurance and paid a premium, you are essentially insured if you have been given a binder. In life insurance if the applicant dies before the policy can be issued, you would file a claim as if it had. The claim would be processed and if the applicant is found to be insurable had he still been alive, the claim would proceed as if he already had a policy in force before he died.

Do car insurance premiums go up when the wind knocks down a tree on your parked car?

That would be considered a comprehensive claim and with the majority of major insurance providers (think State Farm, Allstate, Progressive, Geico, Nationwide, etc) it will not effect your insurance premium. However, it's always best to check with your specific company if a comprehensive claim will effect your rates.

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Keyman insurance can be defined as an insurance policy where the proposer as well as the premium payer is the employer, the life to be insured is that of the employee and the benefit, in case of a claim, goes to the employer.