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Yes assuming you damged either car and your insurance company was informed Because you are At Fault an caused damage to a vechicles it goes up more but the stupid thing is when your not at fault it still goes up a lot just ask me I got cut off by a transport truck going the wrong way down a highways and rolled my car and my rates went up a lot.from around 340 to 534 a month thank god they have come down some.

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Q: Will your car insurance go up if you hit a parked car while backing out of a driveway?
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If you hit a car parked illegally across from your driveway while backing out are you responsible for repairing the car that is parked illegally?

Yes. Being illegally parked does not affect fault. If you strike a parked vehicle, it is ALWAYS your fault because you have a duty to ensure the way was clear before moving.

If your auto is damaged in a hit and run while parked in the driveway should you use the personal property rider on your auto insurance to cover it?

That would be considered a hit and run which would fall in the comp/coll portion of an insurance policy

Who is at fault if you hit someone on a bicycle riding illegally on the sidewalk while you are backing out of your driveway?

It is usually the responsibility of the homeowner if a person pulls into a driveway and runs over a bicycle. The homeowner's insurance might also pay for this accident. It might be the driver's fault if the bicycle was not in the driveway at the time or the driver was drinking.

If a car was parked on residential shared access and you hit it while backing out of the drive who is at fault if an insurance claim was made?

It would be darned hard to assess the blame on the parked car. If one vehicle is in motion and the other is not, 99.99% of the time, the moving vehicle is at fault.

If I hit a car parked in my driveway while backing out would the owner of the car submit a claim to my car insurance or my homeowners insurance since it took place on my property?

HI, Working in a car insurance company, you would claim off your car insurance as the vehicle was involved in the accident, however because it was on your own personal property you may be able to claim off your house insurance depending on the terms of your policy, you will find most homeowners insurance only covers the house itself and not the surrounding gardens

In a private driveway someone backed into your car while you were parked and their insurance company says you are part negligent any suggestions?

Fight it! If the driveway was yours, then the other person had no business driving there. It does depend on what the reasons were. If you were parked more than 12 inches from the curb, then that is neglegent - it is law to be within 12 inches of the curb (never more). So find out why and keep all evidence. If you have to take that person to court, do so.

Who is at fault if someone enters your private driveway and hits your vehicle while you are backing out?

It is the persons fault for entering your private driveway.Another View: If the collision occurred on private property, the insurance companies of both cars will be involved. As a general rule, the driver of the backing vehicle bears the responsbibility for making sure that he can safely proceed in reverse.

In Canada who is at fault if a car hit another car while backing up?

The backing. The other car has the right of way wether they saw you or not doesn't change that. If it was parked, that's even worse.

What do you ask the insurance company for if your car was hit while parked?

If your car was hit while parked and the other driver drove off, then you ask for payment under your collision coverage.

What do you do if someone hit your car while it was parked and they left their info?

Call them and their insurance company.

What if someone hits my car while parked and i don't have car insurance?

Several things can happen. Allowing you parked legally other than insurance: the person who hit your parked car is responsible to pay damage. If you were parked on private property the lack of insurance means nothing. If you were parked on a public road or public parking lot you could be on the hook for a ticket for uninsured vehicle, but the other guy should pay anyway. Don't admit to driving with out insurance!

If you have no insurance and your car was hit while parked does the other person's insurance company pay?

It should. But it's much easier to collect if you have your own insurance.