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It is the persons fault for entering your private driveway.

Another View: If the collision occurred on private property, the insurance companies of both cars will be involved. As a general rule, the driver of the backing vehicle bears the responsbibility for making sure that he can safely proceed in reverse.

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Q: Who is at fault if someone enters your private driveway and hits your vehicle while you are backing out?
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Pedestrians have the right of way. Unless you can prove he/she was grosely negligent or did it on purpose then you are at fault. If you are backing down on your private driveway and a neighbor who walks behind your car on your private driveway is hit and falls down who is at fault? The neighbor pedestrian has been drinking, unstable on his feet was standing in his driveway at his car then suddenly is behind my vehicle.

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O.K. The vehicle that is backing out is backing out from private property. The vehicle that is pulling away should have the right of way. You see when a vehicle is trying to enter a Highway via driveway, parking lot, ect. he is ASKING for the right of way and he is responsible for yielding. Hope this helps. Thanks CMAC, 8 year SC State Trooper

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In the UK it can, if the driveway is private property.

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The backing vehicle appears to be at fault - they should have been looking behind them to see what was happening there and seen the car coming out of the driveway.The car coming out of the driveway would have had their attention in the other direction, looking for oncoming traffic.

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The operator of the backing vehicle is always at fault hen a stationary object is struck.

If you are backing out of a driveway and a car hits you who is liable?

Anytime a vehicle is departing private property and entering a road, it must yield the right-of-way to traffic. The liability is with the backing driver until the backing vehicle is fully into the road. The vehicle already in the road must still take all prudent steps to avoid a collision where possible. If either vehicle is operated in an unsafe manner, the liability will be assigned accordingly.

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The car in motion is ALWAYS at fault when it hits a stationary vehicle.

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# When you're behind a slow moving vehicle # When someone is backing out of a driveway and possibly doesn't see you # When going to pick up a friend and they are not outside waiting for you # When driving through a tunnel

Can you get a dUI on a private road?

Yes. If you are in a vehicle with the keys in the ignition, you are considered to be driving that vehicle regardless if it is public or private road. You can be arrested in your own driveway even if you do not even have the vehicle started.

When is the best time to use your horn?

# When you're behind a slow moving vehicle # When someone is backing out of a driveway and possibly doesn't see you # When going to pick up a friend and they are not outside waiting for you # When driving through a tunnel

Who has the right of way in a parking lot the vehicle travelling down the lane or the vehicle backing out?

The person driving on the straightaway/ roadway. Backing out of a driveway or parking spot is the same as a stop sign. The right of way belongs to the person on the road.

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This has alot to do with if the impact is on private property and if you had permission to park in the friends driveway, then ultimately if you want to remain friends. If it's an easement or such, the other answers may apply.Another View: Whether you are on someone else's private property makes no difference, the striking vehicle is at fault. Your insurance companies will have to battle it out.