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If the damages claimed were of a type covered by the policy (prior to cancelation), resulted from a covered type of occurrence, and occurred before cancelation, yes. If the incident resulting in the damages occurred after cancelation, no.

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Q: Will your auto insurance cover damages after you cancel your policy?
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No, if the policy was already cancelled, that's when the coverage stopped, so anything that happened after the cancel date is not covered.

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No, Homeowners insurance does not cover damages to your automobile. Your home insurance policy is property insurance for the specified structures and real property listed on the policy. Cars are not listed as covered property on your home insurance policy, that's what auto insurance is for.

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If Your dishwasher is just malfunctioning and needs a repair man then NO, Your home Insurance Policy does not cover Appliance Maintenance.A good home insurance policy should in fact cover damages to your home caused by a dishwasher if you have coverage on your policy for Water Damage, But it will not cover the dishwasher itself unless it was damaged by a covered peril under the terms of you insurance policy.

If a branch from a neighbors tree damages my car who's insurance would cover it?

You need to make a claim against the neighbors homeowners insurance for damages. Since it sounds like it was an "act of god" they may not cover the damages. In that case you have two choices, you could use your comp insurance to cover damages, if you have comp coverages on your policy, or pay the damages out of your pocket and see if the neighbor is willing to help out with the charges.

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No. Your policy will only cover damages which were caused by a covered loss during the policy period.

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No, you would need to purchase an Insurance policy for your Rental Property. Sometimes referred to as landlords Insurance.

Does auto insurance cover telephone pole damage or replacement?

Yes, The liability portion of your auto insurance policy will cover the damages you may do to a telephone pole in an accident.

Does homeowners insurance cover wind and storm damage to detached garage?

If you have wind and hail coverage on your policy and the detached garage is a covered structure on that policy then Yes, your policy would cover the damages.