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You need to make a claim against the neighbors homeowners insurance for damages. Since it sounds like it was an "act of god" they may not cover the damages. In that case you have two choices, you could use your comp insurance to cover damages, if you have comp coverages on your policy, or pay the damages out of your pocket and see if the neighbor is willing to help out with the charges.

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Q: If a branch from a neighbors tree damages my car who's insurance would cover it?
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Does your home owners insurance cover damage to neighbors car due to high wind?

No, Your Homeowners Insurance will not cover windstorm damages to your neighbors vehicle because you are not liable for acts of nature. Your neighbors will have to look to their own Comprehensive Auto Insurance to cover windstorm damages to their vehicle.

A branch from your tree fell on your neighbors truck are you liable?

NO, Nobody is liable for an act of nature. You would not be liable for damage to vehicle resulting from a falling tree limb. Your neighbors comprehensive auto insurance will cover the damages. You would only be liable if someone had warned you that the branch was dangerous and you took no heed.

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No, nobody is liable for an act of nature. Your neighbors will have to look to their own Comprehensive Auto Insurance to cover windstorm damages to their vehicle

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Depends. If said friend has insurance then in most cases their insurance will cover the damages due to vicarious liability. If the friend does not have insurance, you are then responsible for any damages caused.

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Does homeowners insurance cover your child damaging the neighbors vehicle?

No, Your homeowners insurance does not cover vehicle damage. That's what auto insurance is for.

Does homeowner insurance cover damages made by your car to your neibord house?

Your Auto Liability Insurance will offer coverages for damages resulting from automobile ownership. Homeowners Insurance does not cover autos or auto accidents.

Does property insurance cover damages caused by a tree falling on my house?

Definetely you can claim for the damages caused by the tree falling on your house. The Insurance companies cover these damages under the property insurance. Just you have provide the photos of the damaged house aas an evidence to claim your money.

Does my homeowners insurance cover a neighbors dog attacking my dog?

Not usually. The neighbor's homeowners insurance would cover it underneath their liability insurance.

Who is liable when your neighbors rotten tree falls on your house or car falls on your property?

In general, Nobody is liable for an act of nature. Your auto insurance comprehensive coverage would cover damages to your car. Your homeowners insurance will cover damages to your home. The neighbor would be liable only if your can prove the neighbor knew the tree was rotten and posed a risk. If a car falls on your property, that would mean a tornado picked it up and it fell on your home. You insurance would cover that damage.

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Covers medical expensives for you and passengers, will cover damages if other driver who is At Fault doesnt have insurance.