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No,, That would be covered under your auto insurance policy. Homeowners insurance does not cover damages to street vehicles.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Yes, your homeowners insurance will respond to a collision with your home.

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Q: Will the home owners insurance cover if my vehicle hit my garage wall?
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Does homeowners insurance cover a garage door that was hit be a friends vehicle and his vehicle?

Your homeowners insurance will cover your garage door subject to your deductible since it is part of your house. Your Home insurance does not cover damage to a vehicle though. That's what Auto insurance is for. Your friend will need to contact his auto insurance to fix his vehicle.

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Your niece drove into your garage door w her car and did 1k damage to the garage should your niece claim it on her auto policy or should you claim it on your home insurance?

Since it was caused by the vehicle, the vehicle insurance should cover it. Most home owners insurance companies would probably make a claim against the auto insurance company, if they covered it.

If your tree falls on someone elses vehicle will your home insurance cover it?

You home owners liability insurance should cover it.

Does home owners insurance cover repair of garage doors?

If your garage doors were damaged by a covered peril as defined by your home insurance policy then the door would be covered.

Does homeowners insurance cover car stereo equipment bein stored in a garage that is not in the vehicle that has been stolen?

Homeowners insurance does not cover automobiles nor there parts.

Does Garage Keepers Insurance cover non-collision damage to vehicle specifically engine failure due to diesel runaway?

No, it would not cover damage of that nature. Garage Keepers insurance provides protection in case a vehicle is damaged by fire, theft, vandalism or collision.

Does home owners insurance cover car running over animal?

No, Your Homeowners Insurance covers your Home. Your car Insurance covers you vehicle.

Will homeowners cover a friends vehicle running through your garage door?

Yes, It will cover your garage door, but will not cover your friends vehicle.

Does homeowners insurance cover auto damage to non-owners vehicle your property by someone hitting a pole?

Of course NOT. Homeowners Insurance does not cover auto accidents. That's what Auto Insurance is for.

Will home owners Insurance cover tools in a vehicle that was stolen?

Yes under personal property/contents

Does your home owners insurance cover damage to neighbors car due to high wind?

No, Your Homeowners Insurance will not cover windstorm damages to your neighbors vehicle because you are not liable for acts of nature. Your neighbors will have to look to their own Comprehensive Auto Insurance to cover windstorm damages to their vehicle.