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You home owners liability insurance should cover it.

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Q: If your tree falls on someone elses vehicle will your home insurance cover it?
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Can you insure someone elses car in Oklahoma?

Most insurance companies will not, they require you to have an "insurable interest" in the vehicle.

If a non-owner of a vehicle has a wreck and damage to the car hit is paid by the owner but there is no collision insurance on the vehicle at fault can the drivers insurance be responsible in Tennesse?

No, The vehicle owner chose to accept the risk associated with not having collision coverage. You can not use someone elses policy to cover the owners collision loss.

Does your insurance policy follow you if driving someone elses car?

No, in the state of Mass where i am from, the insurance is covered for your car only. It will not follow you if you choose to drive another vehicle. You may want to check the state your are in if this is different, as they may have a different type of policy you can purchase that will cover you. With my experience, the only insurance you have is your health insurance if you are driving another persons vehicle.

Do you need car insurance if you don't own a car?

The answer to your question is no,unless your driving someone elses car at anytime,then you must be insured for that vehicle and that vehicle only..

In California can you insure a vehicle that is registered in someone elses name?

General principle of insurance is that you can't insure something in which you don't have an interest.

If you have auto insurance get into an accident while driving someone elses vehicle will you be covered by your insurance?

You should immediately report the accident both to your own insurance company and to the vehicle owner's insurance company. Depending upon which state you are in, either one or both insurance companies is responsible.

What happens if you wreck someone elses car but you have your own insurance?

Car insurance is just that: insurance for the car. When a contract between the insured and the insurance company is purchased, it is based on the driver and the vehicle. If the driver takes someone else's vehicle, the insurance is only for the original car. There would be no pay out for someone else's car. Example: Driver A buys insurance for Vehicle A valued at $5,000. Driver A uses Vehicle B that is valued at $35,000. The insurance cost is obviously not the same therefore the coverage is not there. In the event of bodily injury, coverage up to the agreed limits are there. Remember, health insurance does not cover care and or treatment due to a vehicular accident. I hope this helps clarify the questions.

Can you be added to anybodyies auto insurance?

You may be added to someone else's policy as a driver if you operate their vehicle. You cannot put a vehicle titled in your name on someone elses policy. The vehicle must be insured in the name of the person who owns the policy.

Can get your car out of the pound with your friends traders insurance?

No, the insurance has to be on your car not someone elses.

Can you drive someone elses vehicle in California if you're not on the insurance?

This is not a state specific question. If you are given permission, then you are covered. Note: you can only drive a rental vehicle if your name is on the rental agreement.

Can I use someone elses address for car insurance?

That is fraud!

Can you be a named driver on someone elses insurance in your car?

um... yeah if your on your parents insurance....... i think