Most insurance companies will not, they require you to have an "insurable interest" in the vehicle.
You must have a financial (insurable) interest in a car in order to insure it. It works the same way with home insurance. You must own the home in order to insure it. Thus, whoever owns the car and has the title is the only person who can insure it.
The owner of the car has to register the vehicle. The person on the registration must insure the vehicle, or be listed to drive that vehicle on a family policy. That example sounds close to insurance fraud so please correct the situation. Sell the car to the other person and they have to insure it. Actually it is 100% legal for a person to insure a vehicle registered in someone elses name so long as nothing illegal is going can be the parents etc.....
No, the insurance has to be on your car not someone elses.
That is fraud!
yes you can but if you wreck and they have insurance their car will be ok but your screwed
Not without some paperwork showing that you are leasing the vehicle or something like that. Also, it will be very hard to get insurance on the vehicle. If it were easy, I would probably want to register, drive and insure Jeff Gordon's car. See what I mean.
That is something that you really have tio ask someone about. We can't answer that and the amount varies from person to person anyway.
It's usually the same punishment as if they were driving their own car.
Very doubtful.
how much is it to change car titile name