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That is fraud!

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Q: Can I use someone elses address for car insurance?
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Can get your car out of the pound with your friends traders insurance?

No, the insurance has to be on your car not someone elses.

If you do not have car insurance can you drive someone elses car?

yes you can but if you wreck and they have insurance their car will be ok but your screwed

Can you be a named driver on someone elses insurance in your car?

um... yeah if your on your parents insurance....... i think

When should you get car insurance?

You should get car insurance when you have your drivers license and you are regularly driving a car. With you license it is legal to drive someone else's car on a rare occasion as long as they have insurance, you will be covered. This however cannot be habit, and must not be part of a regular routine (borrowing the car every Thursday) So if you own a car, have your drivers license, or regularly drive someone elses car, you should have insurance or be put as an occasional driver on someone elses car.

How much is car insurance on someone elses car?

That is something that you really have tio ask someone about. We can't answer that and the amount varies from person to person anyway.

Can you insure someone elses car in Oklahoma?

Most insurance companies will not, they require you to have an "insurable interest" in the vehicle.

What do you need to put insurance on someone elses car?

Registration, license plate number and title right?

Do you need car insurance if you don't own a car?

The answer to your question is no,unless your driving someone elses car at anytime,then you must be insured for that vehicle and that vehicle only..

In California how much is a ticket for no insurance when your drivng someone elses car?

Depends on how badly the county you're in wants to rape you.

If a car is stolen and you have insurance but the vehicle is in someone elses name will it be covered?

Theft is not the same as accidents. If you drive a car, whether it is in your name or someone else's name, and you have an accident, then your own insurance is applicable, but if someone else's car is stolen, that doesn't seem to involve you. Presumably you were not in the car when it was stolen, right? What involvement do you have?

If you buy the car can it be registered in someone elses name?

No. Whoever's name is on the title is going to be on the registration and insurance also. You can pay for the car and title it in somebody elses name, but at that point you've given them a free car, because you have no legal rights to the vehicle at all.

I am covered on my mothers auto insurance she has comprehensive if i drive someone elses car and get into an accident will i be covered?

you are covered ONLY if the owner of the car you are driving is insured for occasional drivers. Your mother's insurance has nothing to with another 's person's car that you have borrowed.