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Theft is not the same as accidents. If you drive a car, whether it is in your name or someone else's name, and you have an accident, then your own insurance is applicable, but if someone else's car is stolen, that doesn't seem to involve you. Presumably you were not in the car when it was stolen, right? What involvement do you have?

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Q: If a car is stolen and you have insurance but the vehicle is in someone elses name will it be covered?
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If my car was stolen out of state is it covered?

If you have theft insurance with your policy, yes. It should not matter where your vehicle was stolen.

If a vehicle is stolen and is only covered by PLPD will the insurance company pay for the loss?

You must have comprehensive coverage in order to recover on a claim from your insurance company if your vehicle is stolen. Liability only is just that, liability for your legal liability for damage or injuries to others.

If a vehicle that has been stolen is involved in a car accident and is at fault whose insurance will cover the damage to the second vehicle?

The second vehicle will be covered by it's own insurance. That company will then attempt to sue the driver to recoup it's losses

If your auto is hit by a stolen vehicle who will pay for losses like deductibles and other expenses?

You or your insurance company. The owner of the stolen vehicle would not be responsible because their vehicle was stolen and the driver of the stolen vehicle's insurance would not cover it because he was driving a vehicle that was not on his policy and he did not have permission to drive.

Does state farm auto insurance cover rental car insurance in the US?

If it is being used as a replacement for your vehicle, because your vehicle can not be used because it is broken down, need of service or stolen, it is covered. If not, it most likely is not.

Is money stolen from an ATM covered by home owners insurance?

No, Money stolen from your Financial Institution is covered by your Financial Institution

Is stolen money covered in renters insurance?

No, cash is not covered, same on homeowners policy, not covered.

If a car is stolen and has an accident are the vehicles hit covered by insurance?


If vehicle is stolen from your home which insurance covers?


Does a standard auto policy cover cash stolen from your car?

No. Normally personal property stolen from a vehicle is covered by the contents coverage of your homeowner's or renters insurance. But in many homeowners and renter's policies there is a severe limit on the amount of cash covered or it may be excluded altogether.

Is a stolen motorcyle covered under home owners insurance?

No. It covered under a motorcycle policy.

Does homeowner's insurance cover theft from a vehicle?

It can be covered depending on the type of policy you bought and what of your property was stolen stolen from your vehicle. The property of another person located in a vehicle on or off your property would not be covered under your policy simply because your home insurance covers your property, not the property of other people. You may have coverage under the household contents portion of your policy if the item stolen belonged to you the homeowner and would otherwise have been covered if stolen from inside your home. For example 1, Your Television set is covered under your homeowners insurance policy. While it was in the back seat of your car on your way to your local repair shop, you stopped for a Pepsi and someone stole it from the car, the off premises property portion of your home insurance policy would likely cover it subject to all applicable deductibles. Someone else's TV stolen from your car, no there would be no coverage for it. In example 2 now, someone broke into your car and stole your GPS navigation system, or perhaps your car stereo or your cell phone This would not be a covered loss under your Home insurance policy because these items were never a household furnishing or fixture, This type of loss would have to be covered under your Auto Insurance policy comprehensive portion. if not there are 2 other places you could call. Her vehicle insurance may give some cover for items stolen but she would loose her no claims discount if you claimed. The other option would be to call your own house contents insurance company as they may offer contents cover away from the home. Yes, with specific limitations. Personal property (contents) that is not part of the automobile itself is covered while in the automobile. There are specific perils for which your contents are insured against and special limitations on specific types of contents such as business property.