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No. Normally personal property stolen from a vehicle is covered by the contents coverage of your homeowner's or renters insurance.

But in many homeowners and renter's policies there is a severe limit on the amount of cash covered or it may be excluded altogether.

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Q: Does a standard auto policy cover cash stolen from your car?
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Does auto insurance cover items stolen from your vehicle?

Many auto insurance policies will cover stolen items from your vehicle but only a very limited amount. For instance, if you have your vehicle broken into and your AM/FM/CD unit is stolen along with your case of 24 CDs, your policy will most likely cover the AM/FM/CD unit and only 1 or 2 of the CDs. Each policy is different. It is best to call the agent who sold you the policy.

Does automobile insurance cover items stolen from an automobile?

No. Auto insurance will only cover the vehicle and items that came installed standard on the vehicle. You can, however make a claim on your homeowners insurance for other items stolen from your vehicle. Homeowners insurance gives you coverage for items off premises up to 10% of your contents coverage on the policy. This is to cover situations like this, thefts or damage while on vacation, and even dependent children's items while in a dorm room. The biggest problem is that you will have a deductible for damage to the car and another deductible for the items stolen and covered on the homeowners policy.

If your auto is hit by a stolen vehicle who will pay for losses like deductibles and other expenses?

You or your insurance company. The owner of the stolen vehicle would not be responsible because their vehicle was stolen and the driver of the stolen vehicle's insurance would not cover it because he was driving a vehicle that was not on his policy and he did not have permission to drive.

Does renters insurance cover car contents if stolen?

In general no, vandalism of an automobile is covered by the vehicles auto insurance policy. However you may have coverage for certain household belongings while outside the premises so check your policy or contact you agent if some of the stolen items were household items.

Will your auto insurance cover your auto if seized?

If stolen yes, if seized legally (say as a debt or by the police) no.

Does homeowners insurance cover a car stolen off your property?

No, Never. An auto theft would have to be covered by the vehicle owners comprehensive auto insurance policy. A homeowners Insurance policy is not liable for the theft of a vehicle. that's what Auto Insurance is for. If an Auto Owner chooses not to purchase a Comprehensive auto Insurance Policy then they assume the risk of a total loss in the event of a theft. The vehicle owner can not seek to shift liability to another person simply because it was on their property when the vehicle was stolen. If this were the case then every time a car is stolen from the parking lot of a store or shopping mall people would expect that business or property owner to pay for their loss.

If I got into an accident with a car with aftermarket parts such as a body kit or rims would the insurance still cover it?

Yes, they will still cover so long as you included the customized parts on your auto policy. If you failed to schedule the custom parts on your auto policy then the insurer is only required to replace them with standard fatory parts.

Would homeowners policy cover loss of a cashiers check stolen from vehicle?

Yes, it should depending on where or the distance the auto was from the home. Be sure to get a Police Report as this is will help show proof of loss. Check your policy for specifics. Hope this helps.

Will my auto insurance cover my teen if he's not listed on the policy?


What kind of stolen property is covered and does it have to be stolen from your house or car?

You don't say what type of policy, I will assume homeowners, it depends on the policy form, most auto policies will not cover ANY personal property. Most homeowners policies may exclude the property ''while in or upon a land motor vehicle'' you need to review your policy, or contact your agent for clarity.

Will auto repair insurance cover catalytic downpipes?

It may if it is stolen or it is damaged in a fire.

Does homeowners insurance cover a vehicle stolen off your property?

No, That's what Auto Insurance is for.