Many auto insurance policies will cover stolen items from your vehicle but only a very limited amount. For instance, if you have your vehicle broken into and your AM/FM/CD unit is stolen along with your case of 24 CDs, your policy will most likely cover the AM/FM/CD unit and only 1 or 2 of the CDs. Each policy is different. It is best to call the agent who sold you the policy.
No. Auto insurance will only cover the vehicle and items that came installed standard on the vehicle. You can, however make a claim on your homeowners insurance for other items stolen from your vehicle. Homeowners insurance gives you coverage for items off premises up to 10% of your contents coverage on the policy. This is to cover situations like this, thefts or damage while on vacation, and even dependent children's items while in a dorm room. The biggest problem is that you will have a deductible for damage to the car and another deductible for the items stolen and covered on the homeowners policy.
I think that your insurance covers the items that were yours that were stolen, and the company's covers the car damage.
cover kids computer from highschool?
Yes, if it is personal items not attached to the vehicle that is stolen (such as a laptop). If it attached to the vehicle (stereo, tires) it would go under the auto insurance policy. Also, the items must be owned by the policyholder.
If you have off premise coverage on your policy and the stolen items were scheduled on your homeowners insurance policy then Yes, you should be covered for those items. Contact your insurance agent for clarification of your insurance coverage.
That depends on the policy that you have with your insurance company. When I had my truck broken into, my policy covered the iPod and stereo that were stolen, plus my rental while my truck was in the shop.
No, Your home insurance policy is specific to the named insured(s) property and contents if covered.
Once the insurance company has paid the claim for stolen items they become the legal owners of the items.
It depends on whether you have "off premises" property coverage on your policy and then what household items were stolen.
Yes, you are correct. Items in your vehicle that are damaged in an accident or fire or whatever are not covered by you auto insurance unless they are part of your vehicle. The alternative is that they are covered on your homeowners insurance. The downfall to this is that you will have a deductible on your homeowners insurance that you will have to meet first.
I recommend you contact your insurance company, and inform them of the recovered goods
depending on what coverage yes it can, my cosine got his wallet stolen from his car and it did