If you have Personal Injury Protection coverage on your policy and you are injured after striking an animal it should apply to your injuries. You must have "Other than Collision coverage" for the damage to your vehicle.
Generally when it comes to hitting an animal your insurance angency will only make you pay your deductible. Sometimes it is completely covered.
Liabilty will not cover damage from a collision with a deer no matter what insurance company you have. Animal collisions are covered under "Comprehensive" or "Other Than Collision" coverage. Liability only covers damage you do when you are at fault.
Deer Collision No. Liability insurance is triggered when you are at-fault for an accident. It's used to pay for the damage you cause to someone else's property, not your own. A deer hit would fall under comprehensive coverage, and isn't considered an at-fault loss. In some states, collisions with wildlife are covered by the state. Check with your insurance agent.
Answer it will if you have full accident insurance Answer only if you have full coverage. Actually, it depends on whether or not the deer was in a pedestrian crosswalk. If it was, then your insurance will cover you as stated. However, if the deer was not in a crosswalk, then the deer's insurance will be liable.
You still had a accident. What you hit was a curb.
In case you have a Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy or Standalone Own Damage Car Policy, only damages against an animal attack such as a deer attack are covered. For more clarity on this, you can either read your policy document or get in touch with the customer care of your insurer. Hope, this answer was helpful!
The only intitlement of monies will go to that deer, for the deer is someones property(state)and your insurance company may have to pay for its medical bills if it survived the accident, but nothing to you.
Actually, hitting a deer is generally covered by your comprehensive coverage, not collision. Comprehensive covers "acts of God," which include hitting animals because it was an act of God that the animal was there at that time. Reading your insurance policy will clarify exactly which kinds of claims are covered by which types of insurance. There are 3 catagories for car insurance: 1. Liability (covers you if you hit someone else) 2. Comprehensive (covers you if an uninsured driver hits you), and 3. Collision (covers you if you hit something -for instance, a deer-)
if you are HITTING a deer in Indiana then you should probably stop.
If you hit the deer, it would fall under your COMPREHENSIVE auto coverage (if you have it). You need deer hair on the car, at the point of impact, for it to be covered under comp. Roughly 25% of all US drivers lack this coverage and the understanding of ALL of the things that it can cover. If you avoid the deer, and crash, then it would fall under your COLLISION auto coverage (if you have it), and would count as an at fault accident, and your rate/premium could increase. However, do not listen to those who tell you Not to avoid hitting that deer. Since deer have long legs, they generally "fly" over the hood through the windshield. This can result in serious bodily injury. Sometimes the driver is even paralyzed for life.
If you have full coverage then you just call your insurer and report the accident. If you just have liability then your on your own. The deer likely has no insurance.
If you make a claim and have comprehensive coverage then you insurance rate may increase slightly. All insurance companies are different, but they are all based on the same system, level of risk to insure and probability of making a claim. By hitting the deer you have increased both these factors. However since it was not an at-fault accident and there is already a deductible to decrease fraudulent claims, your rate should only increase slightly.