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If you make a claim and have comprehensive coverage then you insurance rate may increase slightly. All insurance companies are different, but they are all based on the same system, level of risk to insure and probability of making a claim. By hitting the deer you have increased both these factors. However since it was not an at-fault accident and there is already a deductible to decrease fraudulent claims, your rate should only increase slightly.

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Q: Will your insurance rates go up for hitting an animal?
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If you hit an animal and need an insurance claim to fix your auto does your insurance premium go up?

Depends on the insurance company, but most likely not. Because animals are unpredictable in their actions, animal hits are considered as a non-at-fault loss and usually will not affect your rates.

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Rates go up when the insurance company has to pay a claim. They might not go up if the claim is small.

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The rates won't go up; they will cancel your insurance instead. Personal knowledge.

Where can I compare car insurance rates online? and lets you compare car insurance rates. You can also go to to compare rates.

Is there a website to compare Go Insurance and other insurance companies?

they actually have a go insurance agency you can get all the information from there. Put in your rates from other companies and compare them to the agencies rates and they will do a instant quota.

Will my car insurance go up for hitting an animal?

Generally your auto insurance will not increase for an animal collision. This is paid by your comprehensive coverage on your auto insurance. The only danger of an increase is if your carrier gives you a discount for not having any claims for a certain period of time. You will loose this claim free discount if you have one. You will not incur any surcharges or points for an animal collision.

Where can one go to get comparisons on home owners insurance rates?

RBC insurance, provides homeowner with insurance rates that are reliable and accurate. They help home owners get the best insurance by helping them compare rates of homes with other homes.

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Where can a person go to get the lowest rates on car insurance in Toronto?

Car insurance rates vary widely depending on the person purchasing the insurance and their car. People in Toronto interested in comparing the rates from different companies can enter information at Kanetix and let its' insurance calculator compare rates for them.

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