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You still had a accident. What you hit was a curb.

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Q: Does comprehensive auto insurance cover damage to your car from avoiding a deer and then hitting the curb I know it covers damage from hitting an animal but what about damage from avoiding one?
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Is hitting a dear comprehensive or collision?

Animal CollisionIf your vehicle "collides" with an animal it will be covered under the "collision" portion of your Auto Insurance Policy. Answer from a General Insurance AgentAnswercomprehensive

What is comprehensive car insurance?

Comprehensive insurance coverage is a physical damage part of automobile insurance which covers you vehicle for fire, theft, vandalism, broken glass, and all animal collisions. Collision is the other main part of physical damage coverage which covers hitting something or turning the vehicle over. You can purchase comprehensive without collision but not collision without comprehensive.

What is Car insurance?

Comprehensive insurance coverage is a physical damage part of automobile insurance which covers you vehicle for fire, theft, vandalism, broken glass, and all animal collisions. Collision is the other main part of physical damage coverage which covers hitting something or turning the vehicle over. You can purchase comprehensive without collision but not collision without comprehensive.

Should plpd insurance cover costs for hitting a wild animal?

Nope, PLPD aka liability only covers other vehicles for accidents which you may be at fault for. Comprehensive insurance would take care of an incident such as this.

Does collision insurance cover hitting a deer?

In case you have a Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy or Standalone Own Damage Car Policy, only damages against an animal attack such as a deer attack are covered. For more clarity on this, you can either read your policy document or get in touch with the customer care of your insurer. Hope, this answer was helpful!

Will my car insurance go up for hitting an animal?

Generally your auto insurance will not increase for an animal collision. This is paid by your comprehensive coverage on your auto insurance. The only danger of an increase is if your carrier gives you a discount for not having any claims for a certain period of time. You will loose this claim free discount if you have one. You will not incur any surcharges or points for an animal collision.

What is covered by comprehansive insurance?

Comprehensive Coverage on your Auto Insurance Policy covers for a covered loss that is stolen or damage by causes other than collision or upset. Such as Fire, Theft, Vandalism, hitting a bird or animal, wind, hail, flood or earthquake.

Does insurance cover your vehicle if it is damaged from avoiding an animal?

If you hit something else and had collision insurance, yes.

What type of insurance will cover damages to your car if you hit a deer while driving through a parking lot?

Actually, hitting a deer is generally covered by your comprehensive coverage, not collision. Comprehensive covers "acts of God," which include hitting animals because it was an act of God that the animal was there at that time. Reading your insurance policy will clarify exactly which kinds of claims are covered by which types of insurance. There are 3 catagories for car insurance: 1. Liability (covers you if you hit someone else) 2. Comprehensive (covers you if an uninsured driver hits you), and 3. Collision (covers you if you hit something -for instance, a deer-)

What type of insurance will cover an auto rollover?

Collision coverage pays if you hit something or turn a vehicle over. Hitting an animal is covered through Comprehensive or Other than Collision (Difference in terminology only).

What is comp auto insurance?

Comp, also referred to as comprehensive auto insurance coverage, is a form of coverage that is designed to pay to repair or replace your vehicle in certain situations. Covered scenarios that comprehensive auto insurance would pay include: theft, vandalism, fire, explosion, hail damage, wind damage, or hitting a live animal. The insurance company will pay up to the fair market value of your vehicle for repairs or replacing the vehicle. You will be responsible for paying your comprehensive deductible before the insurance company will payout.

Does lilabilty insurance cover a deer hitting a car?

Generally when it comes to hitting an animal your insurance angency will only make you pay your deductible. Sometimes it is completely covered.