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Most likely yes if you had coverage for the damage caused. Be advised that it is not a good idea to let unlicensed drivers use your car.

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Q: Will insurance pay your claim if someone was driving your car who does not have a driver's license?
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If you have your driver's permit but not a license do you need insurance to drive someone else's car in Pennsylvania?

No,but they must have insurance.You can not obtain insurance until you have a drivers license.The person who will be in the car with you who has a drivers license would be responsible for your actions while driving.

When should you get car insurance?

You should get car insurance when you have your drivers license and you are regularly driving a car. With you license it is legal to drive someone else's car on a rare occasion as long as they have insurance, you will be covered. This however cannot be habit, and must not be part of a regular routine (borrowing the car every Thursday) So if you own a car, have your drivers license, or regularly drive someone elses car, you should have insurance or be put as an occasional driver on someone elses car.

If you rearend someone when the roads are wet who does not have a license or insurance who is at fault?

If you rearend someone, regardless of road conditions or the other drivers disposition on a drivers lic or insurance, you are still responsible. Not having a license or insurance is a civil matter, not involving insurance company.

Can an car insurance company suspend a drivers license in Texas?

No. A drivers' license is issued by the DPS and only the DPS - or a court - can suspend someone's license. However, if Texas requires insurance and you don't have it, if an insurance company notifies DPS that you don't have insurance, then DPS could suspend your license.

Does having a valid drivers license mean that someone is here legally?

No. A driving license is simply a license to drive. It does not indicate citizenship.

How can you get a provisional license?

It depends on what you mean by a "provisional" license. Typically that is reserved for someone who has lost a license because of violations such as driving while impaired. If you have lost a license because of impaired driving or exceeding the number of "points" that have been acquired, you'll need to speak with either the judge who revoked your license or the state drivers license office, then you'll need proof of insurance. Insurance following an impaired driving traffic violation or repeated traffic citations can be quite expensive.

Will someone driving your car be insured?

it depends if you have insurance that covers all drivers in the family or all and any drivers.

Can you be on someone insurance policy with a suspended license as a non driver?

Most insurance companies allow household members can be excluded if their drivers license is suspended. By signing an exclusion form this means that there is no coverage at all if the excluded person is driving one of the covered vehicles and a claim occurs.

What could the police charge someone with who hasn't got a license or insurance?

uda unlawfull driving auto. no insurance.

Can your license be suspended for someone else driving your car without insurance?

I think it depends on your car insurance policy.

What happens if you do not have a license and wreck someone else's car?

You will be charged with property damage and driving without a license and most likely driving without insurance. Not good.

Will my insurance go up if someone is driving my car without a license?

They wouldn't know someone was driving your car without a license so it would go up. However, if they have a wreck in your car the insurance company will most likely not cover the accident because the person didn't have a license.