It could possibly be that your brake pads or brake shoes have worn down to the metal
Because it's broken.
Only when accelerating, I would suspect a broken motor mount or bad CV joint.
Could be in need of a tune up.
What is a "flapping sound" Birds?
noise and jolting is present whilst car is idolling and accelerating
Frame of reference is the measurement or observation that tells you that a car is accelerating. It uses the second law of motion to tell you rather or not the car is accelerating.
If car stalls out when accelerating above 40 MPH, it can possibly be caused by fluid leaks. Another reason can be a defect at the transmission.
The car is accelerating quickly as it speeds down the highway.
Frame of reference is the measurement or observation that tells you that a car is accelerating. It uses the second law of motion to tell you rather or not the car is accelerating.
your car might be weak on accelerating because it isn't firing on all cylinders.
It would be hard on the brakes and fuel mileage.