Most ratings out there for Admiral Car Insurance are pretty good. People say they have low rates, including some of the lowest for younger drivers, as well as great customer service.
Admiral Insurance is part of the Admiral Group and is a car insurance company. Admiral insurance mostly focuses on younger clients who traditionally would have higher premiums on car insurance. They also mostly focus on the area of London, Southeast England, and Scotland.
Admiral Car Insurance is a company based in the UK. It is a relatively new company that offers policies to those who pay high premiums due to the lack of carry insurance in the past.
I have heard decent reviews on Admiral car insurance, but it's online only. You're always taking a chance with an insurance company you can't reach in person.
Progressive is a good company to get car insurance from.
Waterloo is a great company that provides good car insurance. They are cheap and have very good customer serivce.
"Although Allianz is an insurance company, it doesn't offer services for car insurance. The company mainly specializes in life and corporate insurance."
Top 15 UK car insurance companies are Direct Line, Gocompare, Confused, The Co-operative, Aviva, MORETH>N, Tesco Compare, Churcill, LV=, John Lewis Insurance, Admiral, eCar, Nationwide andKifesure Group.
According to websites that I have researched, Admiral Car Insurance has be open since the year 2000 at least online as far as I can tell. Personally, I don't know much about this insurance company but I may be willing to give them a try because they seem to have some low rates.
Prudential insurance is not a good and trusting company for cars, but they are ok for home owners insurance. For any other company would be better for you for car insurance.
Car Insurance is very important! Companies offering among the lowest car insurance rates in England include Direct Line, Aviva, Hastings Direct, Churchill, LV, John Lewis Insurance, Admiral, and Saga.
Some car insurance companies in Europe are recommended on the Money Supermarket site. Their recommendations include AA, Admiral, Churchill, Esure, Saga, and RAC Insurance.