It is not so much hard for a car to start when the engine is cold as it is easier for a car to start when the engine is warm.Cars that are hard to start in the cold are usually not new cars any more and because of wear and tear there is more likely to be something that doesnt work as well. when fuel is warm it ignites more easily.
Yes the reason for that is because the engine is over heated and when its cold the engine is nice and cold perfect for starting conditions.
Yes if ur car has many or some sort of engine problems
Need more information like year, make, model and engine of car.
A car may start better in the afternoon, because the heat of the sun has warmed up the engine. Once a car has sat over night, it may be difficult to start in the morning because the engine is cold.
hard starting in the morning. It could also mean hard starting when the engine is warm. If the sensor is bad, and the car is warm, it could be telling the computer the engine is cold, therfore making the warm engine hard to start because it will be telling the computer to add more fuel and the engine doesn't need it.
Well depends of what kind of hard start and transmission your car may have. It can be and electrical, transmission, engine issue
Does the engine turn over but not start or it does not turn over till cold? If the latter is the answer then your kick start is the problem. REPLY The car turns over but wont start.
When temperatures are -53 with the wind chill, it can affect a car. The cold temperature can make the car hard to start, the engine will be slow to warm up, and the rubber on the tires can harden causing the tires to lose grip.
There are a few reasons why a 2004 Avalanche may have a hard time starting in cold weather. Reasons include the battery being cold which takes longer to start the car and the oil is colder which causes slow starts.
Some cars will knock for th first minute or so on a cold start until the oil starts to circulate through the engine
Im a sixteen year old guy who has a cold blooded car and it means when it is cold out side and i mean cold like gotta wear a jacket or something. When you start your car it will idle okay sometimes but will die if you dont pump on the gas. If its cold outside the engine is cold so if you want to just hop in the car and put it in drive you just cant b/c the car will die b/c the engine is to cold and the car will shut off on you. So you got to let the engine worm up before you can drive. Mostly happens with older cars
It's when you start the engine when it is either really cold out, or the car has been sitting in a temperature region for a while where it has not been run and exposed to cold conditions. This is where more than 50% of engine wear comes from, the cold start because the oil has thickened and therefore does not pump through to the most crucial parts of the engine as fast. best advice is to use the manufacturer recommend oil viscosity (ex: 5w30 or 5w20) thicker oil does not help. And the use of synthetic and synthetic blend oils does help to reduce engine wear at a cold start.