No, the check engine light has nothing to do with the oil level in the vehicle. The check engine light will come on when there is a problem with the emission system. The red oil warning light will come on if your vehicle is low on oil.
Emission control unit for your car, may show as numerous problems that come and go causing check engine light to come on or the car to run erratically or even not run at all.
No, it will not.
The light should come on when the ignition switch is turned to the on position without starting the engine. Once the engine is started it should go out, unless there is a problem with the emission's system. If it doesn't come on then either the bulb is defective or has been removed. If you just bought this car, I would suspect it has been removed to hide a problem with the emission's system. This is illegal.
The car is broken.
No - usually the Check engine light is for the emission control system
The emission control light on a 2005 Honda CR V will come on if there is a problem. The only way to find out the problem is to run a diagnostic test.
Mal function in the emission control system
There is a good chance it is an emission problem.
No, the check engine light detects problems with the vehicle's emission systems.
No - check engine light is related to emission control system
LASER stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation."