Individual States have different laws are in place to make sure you have minimum amounts of coverage the State feels necessary. States vary but most will require you have Liability coverage that will provide protection for others from the drivers/owner of the car's negligence.
No, classic car insurance is not required, but car insurance is. Classic car insurance is just a cheaper way of being insured.
When you have no insurance on your vehicle, you void your registration - insurance is required by law. Yes, they can impound a car from out-of-state in that instance.
The law requiring mandatory car insurance states that individuals and businesses are required by law to possess valid auto mobile insurance designed to cover the risk of financial liability in the event of an accident.
Actually, it's quite the opposite - You musthave insurance prior to registering a car. That's the law!!
Yes you can borrow it, but if he doesn't have insurance then you could be breaking the law.
Sadly, that's not going to be an option for you. In Maine, the law requires that all drivers have basic car insurance.
Whether or not a lien holder can repossess a car if there is no insurance depends on the contract, local law, or both. In this state, a verbal contract is valid. You will need to check local law.
Yes collision insurance is in fact required by law. This will protect the other person if you are at fault for an accident.
New Jersey's policy for car insurance is that it is required by law. Without it, you can be arrested and fined, with your car and license suspended. Fortunately, a basic policy has been made available to everyone.
Yes, there is a state law that requires you to carry proof of insurance while you are driving there. This is a common law in all states.
To own and drive a car in New York, you must register your car and obtain license plates. one must have the auto insurance in NY and that is by law. anyone breaking the law can get severe finds.