When you have no insurance on your vehicle, you void your registration - insurance is required by law. Yes, they can impound a car from out-of-state in that instance.
If you are summarily arrested on the scene and taken to jail, they MAY impound your car for safekeeping, but it is not impounded as part of your 'punishment.'
In my state WV the answer is no. You can not. It might be diffrent in other states but I don't think so.
You will have to buy auto insurance on the care before you can transfer the title.
West Virginia's state abbreviation is WV.
Probebly it will be WolkVagen, WV. WV is the most sold car ever in the world.
The standard two letter abbreviation for the state of West Virginia is WV.
The CDC publishes percentages of insurance in various states, but not so far as I can tell for WV. See www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00050448.htm#00002847.htm
Most likely it will affect both.
you have to have at least a car licence.
Cass Gilbert