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Because, the sonic waves send off a vibration, rattling windows

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Q: Why do windows rattle when heavy vehicles pass?
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Is it illegal to use the turnout for slow moving vehicles to pass?

If by "turnout", you mean turning lane, yes it is illegal to use a turn lane to pass.Another View: I believe the first contributor may have misunderstood the question. It is a lawful and an often done practice for heavy trucks and slow vehicles to turn off the main travelled lane of the highway at turnout locations in order to let backed up traffic pass them by.

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that was my question

What are the regulations and guidelines for installing prescription window tint on vehicles?

Regulations and guidelines for installing prescription window tint on vehicles vary by state. In general, tinted windows must allow a certain percentage of light to pass through. It is important to check your state's specific laws and regulations before installing prescription window tint on your vehicle.