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Beacuse his crazy ass-fans were chasing him out on the street and then a cab came and hit him but he was unhurt....

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Q: Why did Robert Pttinson get hit by a car?
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Robert Pattinson gets hit by a car on scene?

no. he got hit by getting mobbed by a group of hobsessed girl fans. creeps

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The musical piece "Bella's Lullaby" from the Twilight movie soundtrack was composed by Carter Burwell, not on the piano but as an orchestral piece. However, the character Edward Cullen plays a simplified piano version in the film.

What if you hit a car and there is no damage to your car?

The insurance will pay for the car you hit.

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Did Robert Pattinson get hit by a car?

There is nothing to be worried about the car only grazed him. He is totally fine. Rachel: Yes he was hit by a cab. He was apparently trying to get away from a mob of his fans and he went to cross the street in New York and a cab hit him. Apparently he just got up and walked away. He still has a positive attitude about his fans.

Who is at fault when on the red light a car hit you and you hit the car in front of you?

The car behind you

What kind of car does Robert Pattinson have?

Robert has a silver *clown* car/ convertible. :)Black Chevy Nova

What is Robert John's no 1 hit?

Robert John had a number 1 hit in 1979 with his song 'Sad Eyes.' The song was released on his self-titled album, Robert John.

What if you hit a car no damage was done leave then go back 5 minutes later and the car is gone?

if you hit a car you hit a car you still have to leave your information else its considered hit and run!

Who's fault if car-A behind hit your car after you change into his lane causing you to hit a car in front Car-A said you hit car in front first which caused him to hit you No witness Car in front left?

First, you shouldn't be cutting people off. Whom ever hit the other car from behind would be at fault.

What do you do if you hit a car in a dealer's lot?

If you are driving their car and hit their car, then their insurance will pay for the damage on both cars. If you are driving your car and hit their car, then your insurance will pay for the damage on both cars.