If you are driving their car and hit their car, then their insurance will pay for the damage on both cars. If you are driving your car and hit their car, then your insurance will pay for the damage on both cars.
no damage, no problem. nuff said
Yes, you are responsible for all the damage caused by your accident therefore if an object you hit goes on to cause further damage as a result of being hit then you are responsible for all the damage.
Not a lot?
if you hit a car you hit a car you still have to leave your information else its considered hit and run!
I would assume property damage is referring to whatever you hit or wrecked your car into.
The car with coverage appears to be at fault and would therefore be liable to pay for the damage.
You hit the other car, so yes, you need to pay to have the other car fixed. Your insurance should do this. If not, it is out of your pocket.
The Person who hit your car.
Yes, it is possible. Good, well trained adjusters are capable of determining the difference between "striking" damage and "struck" damage.
The car that hit you first is responsible for the entire accident. Hopefully he will have enough coverage to pay for the damage to all the vehicles.
I can answer that ! Comprehensive!