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you would as stated in article 903.48.3 of the united states government law association

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Q: Who would be responsible for accident if car is in someone else's car insurance?
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Which insurance would be liable if our 16 year old son was involved in an accident driving someone elses auto with their permission ours or the owners?

The owners insurance will be responsible for coverage in an accident involving permissive use of their vehicle.

If you have auto insurance get into an accident while driving someone elses vehicle will you be covered by your insurance?

You should immediately report the accident both to your own insurance company and to the vehicle owner's insurance company. Depending upon which state you are in, either one or both insurance companies is responsible.

What happens if someone has an accident in an uninsured car that is not theirs?

The uninsured part would mean that the person or persons responsible would have to pay for it. If they have an accident in someone elses car they will probably be questioned in court.

What happens if you insure your car in someone elses name?

That person is the one that has to set up the insurance because they will be the one legally responsible for it and if you still drive the vehicle, you will have to be added as a driver. Since you are the owner of the vehicle, you would also have a legal responsibility if an accident occurs.

Can get your car out of the pound with your friends traders insurance?

No, the insurance has to be on your car not someone elses.

Is your insurance liable if your vehicle wasn't involved in a fatal accident?

If you were driving someone elses vehicle and involved in an accident whether it be fatal or not then the person who owns the vehicle should have insurance on it and then the accident would be covered on that policy but if it goes over the amount that they have then its possible for yours to kick in and pay any extra.

Can I use someone elses address for car insurance?

That is fraud!

Can you be a named driver on someone elses insurance in your car?

um... yeah if your on your parents insurance....... i think

If your bike gets stolen from someone elses house who claims on the insurance?

If you owned it, you claim on your insurance.

If you do not have car insurance can you drive someone elses car?

yes you can but if you wreck and they have insurance their car will be ok but your screwed

If a car is stolen and you have insurance but the vehicle is in someone elses name will it be covered?

Theft is not the same as accidents. If you drive a car, whether it is in your name or someone else's name, and you have an accident, then your own insurance is applicable, but if someone else's car is stolen, that doesn't seem to involve you. Presumably you were not in the car when it was stolen, right? What involvement do you have?

I am covered on my mothers auto insurance she has comprehensive if i drive someone elses car and get into an accident will i be covered?

you are covered ONLY if the owner of the car you are driving is insured for occasional drivers. Your mother's insurance has nothing to with another 's person's car that you have borrowed.