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doesn't matter if an accident was on private property. get a police report immediately. this will be used to determine fault, if any.

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Q: Who is responsible if a car was hit on private property while backing out of the driveway?
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Backing into driveway hit car backing out of same driveway?

BOTH drivers are at fault for backing without caution. If the accident occurred in a driveway on private property, no ticket was probably issued. Turn it over to your insurance companies.

Who is responsible when backing out of your own private driveway and hit a car parked in front of and obstructing the driveway?

It is the person who is blocking the private driveway's fault because they should have known not to park in front of a private driveway in the first place. However, if the private driveway is not marked with a sign of some sort to let people know that it is private, it may be the driveway owner's fault.

Who is responsible when a car backing out of driveway collides with car pulling away from curb?

O.K. The vehicle that is backing out is backing out from private property. The vehicle that is pulling away should have the right of way. You see when a vehicle is trying to enter a Highway via driveway, parking lot, ect. he is ASKING for the right of way and he is responsible for yielding. Hope this helps. Thanks CMAC, 8 year SC State Trooper

Who is at fault if you back out of your driveway cross 3 lanes put in drive and got hit by another car backing out of his driveway?

If you were fully in the lane, and he is backing from private property onto public property more than likely he will bare the majority of fault/liablilty.

Are you at fault if you hit a pedestrian backing down your driveway on your property?

Pedestrians have the right of way. Unless you can prove he/she was grosely negligent or did it on purpose then you are at fault. If you are backing down on your private driveway and a neighbor who walks behind your car on your private driveway is hit and falls down who is at fault? The neighbor pedestrian has been drinking, unstable on his feet was standing in his driveway at his car then suddenly is behind my vehicle.

Is your driveway private property?

If the driveway is on private property then in most states it is considered private property. Though laws differ still per state on this.

Can an uninsured vehicle be parked in a driveway?

In the UK it can, if the driveway is private property.

Are you liable for a car accident on private property?

It depends, so here are some scenerios: If there are several cars parked in a private driveway and you back-up or start speeding out of the driveway and hit another car then you are responsible for hitting the other car. If you were speeding on a road and turned a curve and ended up on someone's property you are responsible for the damage done on their property and that includes ripping up gardens, grass, crashing into any part of that home or uprooting trees. If you were on private property and someone else hit you causing you to damage that property then it would be the other person that is responsible.

Who is at fault if someone enters your private driveway and hits your vehicle while you are backing out?

It is the persons fault for entering your private driveway.Another View: If the collision occurred on private property, the insurance companies of both cars will be involved. As a general rule, the driver of the backing vehicle bears the responsbibility for making sure that he can safely proceed in reverse.

Can you park a car without plates in your driveway revere ma?

Of course you can. Your driveway is private property.

Will your lialability insurance cover you backing into a car on your private property?

It should, there is virtually no difference between private property and public property when it comes to accidents.

Can a court official park in your driveway?

I would think not, if your driveway is private property. Take pictures of the car and complain to the police.