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You have no insurance at all on the vehicle correct? And no other vehicles that have insurance? If the driver has insurance then that is where you need to go to look for coverage, if they are uninsured as well, then assuming he was negliegent (not all ped. accidents are the fault of the vehicle driver), then you will need to bring suit against the driver. Again assuming he was negliegent.

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Q: Who is liable if you allow someone to drive your car amd he hits you with your own car and you have no unisured motorist coverage?
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Who's insurance is liable if someone hits you but leaves the scene?

That depends on your insurance coverage. If you have collision coverage, your insurance will cover your damages. If do not have that coverage and don't have the other vehicle license plate, unfortunately, you're stuck with all the bills.

if your subcontractor is involved in an auto accident is your business liable?

Absolutely your business could be liable if the person is working for you at the time. Their insurance would be primary but you could be found secondarily liable. You can purchase a coverage called hired and non-owned coverage as an amendment to your business auto or liability insurance which would provide you coverage for this type of incident. The coverage is usually very inexpensive as it is secondary coverage.

What happens if you are in a fender bender with no car insurance in the state of mn?

You will receive a no insurance violation (major offense), and be liable for damages. If you are hit by a vehicle with no insurance, your insurance will cover the property damage (subject to the deductible) and injuries may draw from the Uninsured Motorist coverage on your policy.

What is the typical auto insurance?

"Typical auto insurance" is probably a misnomer. Most states require that certain levels and types of auto insurance maintained, but this is a matter of state law. There are also optional coverages that an auto owner may purchase. The primary types of auto insurance include the following: 1. Collision coverage: this pays for the physical repair to your own vehicle as a result of a collision either with another car or some other object. 2. Liability coverage: this pays for the damages for which you may be legally liable if the person or property of another is damaged by your negligence in operating a vehicle. If you or your insurer contest your liability, this coverage provides an attorney to defend you at its own cost. 3. Personal Injury Protection: this pays a portion of your own medical bills and lost wages if you are injured in a collision, even if it was your fault. In some states, it is known as "no-fault coverage". 4. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage: uninsured motorist coverage pays compensation to you if you are injured by the negligent operation of a vehicle by another and that person has no liability coverage (which would otherwise compensate you). Underinsured motorist coverage is triggered if their liability coverage is in an amount less than the "value" of your injury. Under certain circumstances (mainly, if you get your insurer's consent), you can accept the full liability limits of the at-fault driver, and collect the balance of the "value" of your injury from your own underinsured motorist coverage. The maximum amount that you can collect in uninsured/underinsured motorist benefits is the amount of coverage that you have purchased and for which you have paid a premium.

Are Insurance companies liable to pay on default judgment is coverage was in effect?


Who pays for damage as a result of a car accident on private property in the State of Florida?

The At-Fault motorist (via their insurance) is liable for damage to property.

What do you expect in court for rear ending someone with no insurance and no registration?

You can expect to be found liable for any damages you caused. Whether the person you hit did or did not have coverage has no bearing on your fault or liability for the damages.

Who is liable if you borrow someone's car get into an accident and neither one has no car insurance?

Assuming that the driver of the borrowed car was at fault, both the owner and driver can be held liable. The injured party will probably sue both. Whenever you borrow someone's car, ALWAYS demand proof of liability insurance before taking the keys because if this happens not only can you be sued but you might loose driving privledges until the injured party has been compensated in full, unless the person you hit had UNINSURED MOTORIST coverage in which case you'd definitely be off the hook but your friend's car would be siezed and auctioned by police for sure.

Explain the set off provisions of Va under insurance?

The way that it works is you take all of the available coverage for the loss and arrive at the total available coverage for the loss. The liable car pays it coverage up to the avaiable limit The car of the injured party gets a set off of the amount of the liable car if the liable car's policy is less than that of the injured insured party Then the policy of the car under which the injured isured party is an insured by definition pays it full coverage.

Are you liable if someone gets hurt on your property when playing paintball in nc?

You liable if someone gets hurt on your property no matter what.

Will your GL policy cover trees fallen from your property into your neighbors?

No, Your General Liability provides coverage for losses for which you are liable in some way. Nobody is liable for an act of nature.

If someone dies from alcohol poisoning after leaving your party are you liable?

You could be liable yes.