Some people incorrectly believe: "It is the parked car driver that is At Fault because the car was parked past the sign." However, a parked car does not have the ability to see and avoid other cars; the drivers of the other cars are responsible for trying to avoid hitting any object that may be standing in the way, regardless of how it got there or whether it happens to be there legally. Could I legally crash into a parked car simply because it's time ran out on the parking meter? Parking laws rarely have anything to do with liability to other drivers who crash into each other. On the other hand, if the illegally parked car was violating a view to a intersection approach, and two OTHER cars collide "because of it", then the parking law COULD apply and may serve to apportion fault to the driver of the parked car who created the specific hazard against which the sign was posted, but most of the blame is on the other drivers who failed to exercise caution while driving. It still doesn't give someone the roght to drive into it.
The person who drove their car into the parked car.
If you were legally parked, the person backing up is at fault. If you were in a "No Parking" area, you are at fault.
The driver is responsible for the full damages. Your car is motionless. A prudent driver driving reasonably should look into a rear view mirror before backing up. In this case your illegal parking did NOT contribute to the negligence of the driver.
It is your fault.
depend where you were. if you were on the road, its your fault cuz its a road! 4 moveing cars for crying out loud! if it was in a parking lot, blame the driver who hit your door. your supposed to be parked in a parking lot! dahhhhhhh!
If a person hits a parked car, usually the driver of the moving vehicle is at fault. However, state laws might vary. Both were violating laws at the time.
The driver of the backing vehicle. The fact that the car was parked illegally is irrelevant. The onus is always on the driver of a moving vehicle to ensure the way is clear before backing up.
This can go either way, most often it is the person who was backing out that is at fault. witnesses would be great to prove this is what happened.
no matter where a vehicle is parked, the moving vehicle is at fault every time.
The driver that hit the parked vehicle would be at fault.
My fault
If you strike him - you are at fault. He can be charged with the No Parking violation but YOU are charged with the collision.