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You know the answer: you hit a parked car! You're absolutely liable.

On one hand, you should have been looking while backing out so it would be your fault. He may get a citation for parking there, but you could have avoided an accident by looking first. You will be lucky if you are not cited for reckless and dangerous driving.

(In some states, contributory negligence on the part of the parked car's owner could reduce your liability, but you would still be At Fault. Your best option is to report vehicles that are illegally parked and avoid any possible accidents.)

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Q: Who is at fault if a car blocks your driveway and you back into it?
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If you back out of a driveway and strike a moving car who is at fault?

The person backing out of the driveway.

Car is reversing out of driveway into public road into path of car which hits the back of the reversing car?

The backing car is at fault

What if a car hits you as you back into your driveway?

if you're reversing into your driveway and someone hits you its their fault. you were moving away and they wern't paying attention. Now if you went back into the street to straighten out and back back in then it might be your fault, but if you were reversing the whole way and never came back out of your driveway it would be theirs

If you back into a parked car in a residential driveway who is to blame?

If you reverse your car and then collide with a parked car , the person who did the reversing is at fault.

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The person pulling out of the driveway is at fault.

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What type of driveway? Was it a curving and could not see the car before rounding the curve? Is it straight; then why did you not see the car blocking the driveway before even getting into car and/or backing..

Who is at fault when someone is backing out of a driveway and hits a car semi blocking that driveway?

The car that is moving is normally the one at fault. No matter how someone is positioned you should not drive into them (going forward or in reverse). It therefore seems to me that the car backing out of the driveway is at fault.

If a car is on main highway and a car pulls out of a hidden driveway and hits the car on the highway whos fault is it?

The car that was in the hidden driveway.

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Who is at fault when car hits a car parked illegally on the public street by driveway?

I'm from Michigan, so it is no one's fault HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH.

Who is at fault if you back out of your driveway cross 3 lanes put in drive and got hit by another car backing out of his driveway?

If you were fully in the lane, and he is backing from private property onto public property more than likely he will bare the majority of fault/liablilty.

If backing out of your driveway you come to a full stop at the end of it because you see another car coming and the other car hits you while your bumper is still on your own driveway who ist at fault.?

It depends. Which bumper is still in your driveway, your front or rear? Did the other car leave the roadway and hit your car? After you came to a full stop did you then proceed to back out and then got hit? If any part of your car was in the roadway then it would most probably be your fault. Any vehicle that is entering into traffic from a driveway is required to yield the right of way to those vehicles traveling within the roadway. If you stuck 2 inches of your car into the road and you were hit, it would be your fault.