When automobile accident claims are required, the individual's car insurance company should be contacted, in order to put the individual in contact with a claims adjuster or representative. Accident/regular claim adjusters will help the individual through the claims process and assess the value of the claim.
Attorneys provide advise on auto accidents depending in which state the accident occurred. After having read the general descriptions of potential compensation claims and statutory insurances you can complete a short questionnaire about your accident details if you want be contacted by a specialist lawyer.
SR22 auto insurance is definitely required to get through an auto accident in florida, as it is an essential part of paying off the debts of the crash.
Yes, full coverage auto insurance is required for auto financing. This rule protects the bank if you have an accident.
The auto accident lawyer collects a percentage of the insurance payout and that can be quite lucrative. Sometimes a lawyer is required to protect either the victim or the person who caused the accident.
I understand a company called vehix dot com offers this service for a fee.
If there is insurance coverage on the at fault vehicle, there should be no reason to file small claims. If the at-fault party does not have insurance, then small claims is an option.
An auto accident claim can be made if a person is in a car accident, but it was not their fault. The claim will aim to compensate them, and in legal terms, return them to the condition they would have been in had the accident never occurred. This may mean claims for car damage can be made, or for any healthcare or lost work as a result of injury.
they ARE two separate claims, and coverages, and handled completely separately many times by different adjusters...if you mean two different claim numbers etc....no what would be the purpose of that?
Auto insurance claims are those matters for which you ask your insurance company to pay for something, because you were in an accident or your car was damaged. If two cars are involved, one company may file a claim against another.
You can sue anyone you want, But you would lose in this circumstance. You would also be required to cover all the legal expenses and attorney fees for the entity you sued after you lose the case. Homeowners Insurance does not cover auto accident claims, that's what auto insurance is for.
You can dispute an auto accident bodily injury claim. If you were injured, medical records exist. If someone claims they were injured, medical records exist that can be suponeded. Also it pays to have someone check on the injured party. If he claims he is bedridden and he is playing baseball, it helps to get a video. Courts decide the issues.
Attorneys specializing in personal injury claims typically handle automotive accidents. For accidents involving strictly vehicular property a simple claims adjuster will usually suffice.