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You can sue anyone you want, But you would lose in this circumstance. You would also be required to cover all the legal expenses and attorney fees for the entity you sued after you lose the case.

Homeowners Insurance does not cover auto accident claims, that's what auto insurance is for.

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Q: Can you sue a homeowners insurance if their auto insurance does not cover all of you medical pain and suffering?
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No, your Homeowners Insurance will not. Your Medical Insurance Will.

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It would depend on whether or not you are liable for the injury. Homeowners insurance is not a viable replacement for medical insurance.

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No. There is no way that a homeowners policy would cover any medical costs for the insured or any family or household member. That is what health insurance is for not house insurance.

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No, Personal injury would be covered under your Medical Insurance.

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No. Homeowners Insurance typically do not provide liability coverage for criminal acts. Your medical insurance is a good source of coverage for health care needs.

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Yes, it can. Depending on your coverage and policy with your insurance it can cover medical for others.

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No. Homeowners Insurance does not cover the owners default on a mortgage note.

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No, That's what your Major Medical or Health Insurance policy is for. Homeowners Insurance is "Property Insurance". The very, very small amount of medical coverage offered on most home insurance policies is for accidental injuries to others while on your property.

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It would depend on who was assaulted, medical coverage that comes with the homeowners policy may cover a visitor to the home.

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It depends on the circumstances. Most homeowners insurance policies will cover some of the medical expenses if a person falls and gets hurt on the homeowners property, but only if the homeowner was negligent.