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If I understand your question you are trying to recover a deductible you incurred due to the fault of the other driver who was uninsured? If this is the case it may depend on the state in which you live and what coverage you may or may not carry.

If you are from CA, we have what is called UMCDW or uninsured motorist collision deductible waiver, which if you were carrying this type coverage as part of your auto policy, it would pay your deductible if your vehicle were hit by an At Fault, identifiable uninsured driver.

If you do not have similar coverage on your policy or in your state, you may simply have to file a claim in small claims court to recover your deductible and good luck. In many cases if you are dealing with an uninsured driver, even if you win judgement you still have to be able to collect it...sometimes the hardest part!

In the future you may want to consider a product called CDRP which is a Collision Deductible Reserve Plan to insure your deductible is always available for you when you need to use it. It is a very wise financial move that can not only save you hundreds if not thousands on your car insurance premiums but would give you peace of mind knowing your deductible is always there when you need it! You can learn more about this incredible product at .

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Q: Where do you file a claim to sue for deductible from a car accident involving a car with no insurance with no insurance?
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If you have an accident before the deductible is lowered but the claim is not filed until after which deductible applies?

The deductible at the time of the accident not the time of claim.

What is a motobike accident claim?

A motobike accident claim would be an insurance claim for an accident involving a motorized two-wheel vehicle, such as a motorcycle, moped, or electric bicycle.

Do you have to pay the full deductible even if the accident wasn't your fault?

Yes. If the claim is being made on your insurance. For example, if the damages are $2000 and there is a $500 deductible, the insurance company will pay $1500.

How do you file a insurance claim against the party that was at fault in an accident that occurred in a parking lot Without involving my insurance company.?

Just file a claim with the other parties insurance company. You called the police and got an accident report, right?

If my insurance company deducts my deductible from a homeowners claim do i still pay the deductible?

Yes. The insurance company will pay their portion of the claim which does not include the deductible because that is your portion .

What does a deductible mean if you are in a car accident?

A deductible, or insurance deductible, is an amount of money the first of which the insurance company will not pay towards the cost of the loss suffered. For example, a $500 deductible means that the insurance company will not pay the first $500 of a loss. Deductibles are made for the purposes of keeping the costs of insurance down by making the insured pay a certain amount of money and not make a claim towards minor losses. If the accident is the other person's fault, either their insurance company will pay that deductible or you can sue them in court.

How do you get an accident claim against own car when the car is fully insured?

Report the accident to your insurance company. If this was a single car accident - meaning yours- your insurance will have to pay for the repairs minus your deductible. If another party caused the accident you need to turn their insurance information over to your company and they will take it from there.

If you hit another car in parking lot do you pay there deductible?

If you hit the car (i.e., you're liable for the accident), the other driver shouldn't have a deductible - your liability insurance should pay the entire claim.

Does a deductible have to be paid each time you file a claim under homeowners insurance?

The deductible applies to every individual claim.

Does the insurance agent submit the auto accident claim to the insurance company or do I ?

It is up to the driver to subit the auto accident claim. You should submit the claim as soon as possible after the accident.

Who pays the deductible if it's not an accident?

If the occurrence is not a traffic accident then it will most likely be a comprehensive claim and therefore if you have comprehensive coverage then you will pay your comprehensive deductible. The comp deductible is usually the lower of the two deductibles.

I had a single car accident with no injuries and just damage to my car. How do I proceed with my insurance company?

You call your insurance company and file a collision claim. You pay your collision deductible and they will set up repairs for your vehicle.