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Your best plan of attack is to solicit the cooperation of witnesses that saw the incident. Hopefully, you collected this information at the time. If you have not witnesses, you may wish to return to the scene and check if any surveillance cameras may have been recording the scene (some parking lots and businesses have areas surrounding their property covered!). However, if neither of these resources are available, you should contact your insurance agent for assistance in writing your claim (they're the experts!) Do all of this as close to the accident as possible, as the information is fresh in your mind. Good luck!

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Q: When preparing an insurance claim how do you prove it was the other driver's fault?
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Will your comprehensive auto insurance cover your car if you were not at fault in the accident but other drivers insurance denies claim?

Let your insurance company/agent handle the claim--they will collect from the other insurance if there is a valid claim. You'll need a police report.

What will happen if a fully insured driver hit your car and you have no insurance?

You may get a ticket for no insurance. But you can still file a claim under the at fault drivers auto insurance.

What to do if the at fault driver has not reported a claim to their insurance?

You can file a claim with the at fault drivers Insurance Company yourself. You don't have to wait for the insured to do it. Just call them up report the accident and request a claim number. They are required by law to assign an adjuster whether or not their insured has reported it to them.

Can you file an insurance claim against both the at fault drivers insurance and the owner of the car you were driving when the accident accured?

No, The at fault driver in the other vehicle is responsible for your losses. Not the person from who you borowed the car you were driving.

If a person has already claimed damages from the at fault drivers insurance company can that person still go ahead and sue the person at fault?

No, the insurance company when settling the claim will have you sign a waiver of damages for their insured before giving you a check.

If you have an expired license and get into an accident will your insurance pay the claim if your policy is paid?

If you have a current insurance policy and are in a car accident, but have an expired license, it is up to the insurance company if they will pay the claim or not. It could be in their clause not to, if a person does not have a valid drivers license, especially if you are the one at fault.

If you get into a car accident and it is not your fault will your insurance go up?

Not if it is deemed to be 100% the other drivers fault and they have insurance.

No drivers license no insurance accident was not my fault can i claim?

Why not? You still have rights, they should have some kind of B/I, bodily injury that will cover your medical. You should have has insurance but now in a worse case senerio you might have to carry an SR-22, but of course you can claim!

Can you claim bodily injury from your insurance if you are not at fault?

yes of course.

If you hit someone with no-fault insurance will your car be fixed?

The problem with no fault insurance is that fault is usually assigned thus making no fault insurance an incorrect statement. Your collision coverage is where you would make the claim in this situation.

Can you sue at fault driver in California who has insurance if his insurance company refuses to pay your claim for medical expenses or do you have to sue his insurance company?

yes. you can sue an at fault driver if his insurance company refuses to pay your claim. it would not be proper to sue the insurance company.

What if the delay in filing an insurance claim is the fault of the insurance company?

That's not very likely. The insurance company does not file your claim, they accept your claim notice from you. You have to file your claim with the company, not the other way around.