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Unless you can prove the other car was violating the posted limit, the onus to ensure the road was clear is completely yours. Even if you CAN prove the other car was speeding, this may not remove all of the fault from you.

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Q: When backing out of my driveway I looked both ways and then backed out and a car came around the corner speeding and clipped my bumper. Damage down to other car but not mine. Whos fault is it?
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What should you do if you run into an illegally parked car backing out of your driveway and you only have liability insurance and the hit vehicle already had damage to the same area?

Let your insurance company handle it. They do it all the time.

Is it legal to back your car out of your driveway in Kentucky?

Yes, provided there is nobody behind your car, and you are not backing up directly into oncoming traffic. As long as you can do it sober and not cause injury or damage to anyone or anything, of course it's legal to back your car out of your driveway in Kentucky or anyplace else on the planet for that matter.

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If a speeding driver hits your car and causes a 4 car accident will his insurance pay for your car and all the cars your was pushed into?

Depends on exactly how it happened. From what you've told us, yes, the speeding driver would be responsible for all the damage if his speeding was the direct (and only) cause of the accident. But if you were trying to beat a red light or were pulling into the street from a driveway or alley, you are also at-fault.

Are you liable for a car accident on private property?

It depends, so here are some scenerios: If there are several cars parked in a private driveway and you back-up or start speeding out of the driveway and hit another car then you are responsible for hitting the other car. If you were speeding on a road and turned a curve and ended up on someone's property you are responsible for the damage done on their property and that includes ripping up gardens, grass, crashing into any part of that home or uprooting trees. If you were on private property and someone else hit you causing you to damage that property then it would be the other person that is responsible.

Who is responsible for adjoining driveway drain damage?

Your answer depends on who owns the driveway, and who damaged the drain. Best practices dictate that you file a police report and contact your insurance carrier, who can sort out who pays for the repair of the damage.

Does the car speeding show more damage than the car it hit?

It would be unfair to come out with a statement like that. The damage done to a car would be effected by were the impact was I.e. The side of the non speeding car and front of the speeding car. Also the type of car would effect the damage IE. A 4x4 and a Lamborghini the 4x4 could be the one speeding but he could come out better off because the small crunch zone and the 4x4 would proberly go over the Lamborghini. So short answer you can tell who was speeding by damage.

Who is at fault if you back out of your driveway and into another car backing out of their driveway?

Both are equally at fault and you may both have to use your own insurance to pay the damage. If a police report was filed, then the police will determine the % of fault to each person. CORRECTION - Your INSURANCE COMPANY will determine the fault - not the police. Yes, it may be a 50/50 situation, unless one party admits 100% fault.

What insurance will cover you for damage to your expensive block driveway for the sudden and accidental spillage of a large amount of oil on your new driveway?

homeowners insurance or renters insurance

Who is at fault when a car reversing out of a driveway into a public road hits a car who has just backed out and about to move forward?

Here are several opinions from FAQ Farmers: * Always always always the person behind. There are so many reasons you might not see someone behind you, but you should always see the person in front and give them enough room, no matter what they are doing. This is pretty much the view of the insurance companies, too. * The car behind is not necessarily at fault if the car in front is backing up! But if one car is moving and the other is not, 99.99% of the time the moving vehicle is at fault. Think about it. How can a car that is stationary run into anything?

What insurance issues do you have when you back out of a driveway and hit a car parked directly behind the driveway there were no tickets?

Just like any other accident,, You are responsible for the damage you caused. Either file a report with your insurer so they can cover the damage you caused, or pay them yourself for the Damage. It's your choice. The law requires you be Financially Responsible.

Is frost damage to your driveway covered by insurance?

That depends on your homeowner's policy. You would have to talk to your insurance agent.