Yes, provided there is nobody behind your car, and you are not backing up directly into oncoming traffic. As long as you can do it sober and not cause injury or damage to anyone or anything, of course it's legal to back your car out of your driveway in Kentucky or anyplace else on the planet for that matter.
The person backing out of the driveway.
What type of driveway? Was it a curving and could not see the car before rounding the curve? Is it straight; then why did you not see the car blocking the driveway before even getting into car and/or backing..
no it is not.. but it is if they are blinking!
Yes, it is legal.
The backing car is at fault
How can i tell if a drive way is legal or not? i live in New York city on a block where there are more than 10 drive ways and some of them look suspcious i parked in front of a drive wayand i was threatned with being my car beeing towed away please help me find witch one is legal (edited by Jennifer sule and i say i think the driveway has to be gated and signs posted that stated that if you park there that your car will be towed. otherwise that is NOT a legal driveway. this is waht a cop rtold me tonight as i live in Brooklyn and just had to fight to have a car moved from in front of what i THOUGHT was my driveway that i rent from my landlord. no gate no signs... NOT a legal driveway. hope that helps)
If you're driving forward, you aren't backing out the car.
If you reverse your car and then collide with a parked car , the person who did the reversing is at fault.
if you're reversing into your driveway and someone hits you its their fault. you were moving away and they wern't paying attention. Now if you went back into the street to straighten out and back back in then it might be your fault, but if you were reversing the whole way and never came back out of your driveway it would be theirs
Walk to the back of the car and make sure nothing or no one is behind the car. Back up very slowly even after looking.
You have to be 18 in order to register a vehicle in Ky.