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The opposite of a purpose for a tool could be its form. The opposite of the purpose for an action could its plan. The opposite of (having) a purpose could be purposelessness or randomness.

* For "on purpose" the opposite is accidentally, inadvertently, unconsciously.

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Q: What is the opposite of purposely?
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LoL bend it the opposite way it naturally bends

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The one variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis is manipulated variable

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I believe the word you want is "purposely". Although the boy said it was an accident, witnesses said he purposely knocked over the store display. Police concluded the woman purposely ran into her husband's car. Sally purposely turned off her cell phone so she could study for her science exam.

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Is it illegal to purposely run over animals?

Yes, it is illegal to purposely run over animals. This is considered animal cruelty and is punishable by law.