The premium target for Lic MDRT is Rs.30.70 Lacs in a calender year. Alternatively, commission earning in a calender year should be Rs.7.50 lacs to achieve MDRT target. If the achiever fails to achieve the target next year, his MDRT accreditation will be cancelled for that year.
The link for online premium of lic is -
LIC premium
It is calculate last year premium collection and cost of expenses and death ratio over all decide every financial year lic target related these things
Dont KNow bro
Professor Sharad P Chavan, agent, Life Insurance Corporation of India ( LIC, ) Sangli branch in Maharashtra has qualified for the Million Dollar Round Table ( MDRT ) for the year 2009! On 1st of JANUARYThe Satara based Prof. Chavan dedicated his achievement to the faith reposed in him by his clients who trusted his advice even during a downturn and to Motivational Speaker & Sales Trainer, Mr.Syed Rafi, of Hyderabad. Mr.Syed Rafi represents Ascent Training & Consultancy Services.Professor Chavan is the First ever Indian to have Qualified for MDRT on the Day One. This makes the the achievement noteworthy.Mr.Chavan will be the first participant from India for the MDRT event to be held in the year 2010. He achieved this feat by completing 643 policies of sum assured Rs 5.71 crore, premium Rs 34.32 lakh and earning Rs 8,39,600 as commission excluding bonus on January 1, 2009.
Target premium is the amount that the agent's commission is based off of. It is neither the planned premium or minimum premium to keep the policy in force. Sometimes called the "commissionable premium."
Premum waiver benefit is available in certain LIC policies provided you have paid regular premiums for 3 years or more. In this option by paying extra premium you can get the premium waived off from the date of one's demise till your nominee becomes eligible to avail benefits.
18 lacs per annum on after confirmation need to complete target orelse termination form the service
18 lacs per annum on after confirmation need to complete target orelse termination form the service
Sure you can find the status of your LIC policy online. Just go to this site and register for a new account. Fill the form with your policy number, DOB and the premium amount. After registration you can access your LIC account and find details about your policy.
You can get premium receipt against payment made both online and over counter.When payment of premia is made by cheque, the premium receipt inscribes the clause '...subject to realisation of cheque.'
LIC’s Jeevan Azad Plan No. 868 is a new insurance plan launched by LIC of India which is available for sale from 19/01/2023. LIC’s Jeevan Azad is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Savings Life Insurance plan and limited Premium Endowment plan.