Aggregate limits general are referring to the liability portion of the policy, the aggregate limit is a pre-determined dollar amount up to which an insurance policy will cover an insured per year or policy period or accident. As an example, your limit is 100k per person 300k per accident/loss, and 500k aggregate, so each person could get up to 100k per person, but only 300k per accident, and no more than (no matter how many accidents in that policy period) 500k aggregate....clear as mud isn't it? If you have a specific coverage that you are wondering about I would be happy to assit, check your policy for the length of the aggregate amount..should say , 'during policy period or per calendar year etc.''
Extended replacement cost homeowners insurance is a type of coverage that pays for the full cost of rebuilding or repairing your home, even if it exceeds the policy limit. This differs from traditional homeowners insurance, which typically only covers up to a certain percentage above the policy limit.
Is this seems like an incomplete question. Homeowners policies typically have personal liability on them.
In a insurance policy, the limit of liability is often expressed as a value per occurrence and a separate value as an aggregate limit. The policy will pay no more than the per occurrence limit for each covered occurrence Further, the pay no more than the aggregate limit for all claims during the policy period. On an insurance policy it would often be expressed as $1,000,000/$2,000,000 occurrence / aggregate The numbers listed above could be replaced by any other number, however the aggregate limit will never be less than the per occurrence limit. Alternatively, the limit could be split between per claim and aggregate instead of per occurrence and aggregate This has no effect on the meaning of aggregate in the policy. Mark Walters, ARM AAI West Insurance Group In a nutshell, aggregate means the total paid out for all incidents during the policy period. In the above example you could have 2 claims during the insured period for $1m each but not 3, as 3 x $1m is more than the aggregate limit.
The aggregate limit can be higher than the per occurrence limit of the policy, thus providing additional coverage should multiple claims be filed against the insured.
the standard policy says two years
A policy with aggregate limits will limit only the total amount that an insurance company will pay out for all claims during a specific policy period. It sets a maximum limit for all claims combined, rather than a specific limit for each individual claim. Once the aggregate limit is reached, the policy will no longer provide coverage for any further claims.
Aggregate is total limit for all claims in the year.
Inspection and Appraisal 96317 Companies-Inspecting for Insurance or Valuation Purposes - Products - completed operations for this classification are subject to the General Aggregate Limit
There are two limits of commercial liability insurance that you need to consider when purchasing a policy. The first is what the policy will pay max for one loss during the policy term. This is called the Occurrence limit. The second is what the policy will pay out max for multiple losses. This is called the Aggregate limit. For example a policy may have a $500,000 occurrence limit with a $1,000,000 aggregate limit. This would mean that the policy would pay out a max of $500,000 for any one claim during the policy term and they would pay out a max of $1,000,000 total for all claims during the policy period. Your state insurance department is your best resource for insurance-related questions and concerns. Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more! State Insurance Department websites: Visit the Related Links for a link to the site.
Erroros and Omissions is a type of insurance for professionals (much like malpractice for doctors) such as an insurance agent or accountant. It protects them from unintentional mistakes they may make in the course of their work. For example an insurance agent writes a policy for $30,000 instead of $300,000. The aggregate limit of $300,000 refers to the total amount of coverage available during the policy period. Some policies "reset" policy limits after a claim is resolved but policies with an aggregate limit get chopped away at by each claim and can eventually be drained to $0.
Yes. For a theft loss, conditions and limitations on the amount of coverage may be applicable. Additonally, many policies limit the amount of coverage to 10% of the total policy limit for contents for all covered losses away from the residence premises. //
A limitation in an insurance policy on the amount of coverage available to cover a specific type of loss. A sublimit is part of, rather than in addition to, the limit that would otherwise apply to the loss. In other words, it places a maximum on the amount available to pay that type of loss, rather than providing additional coverage for that type of loss. In professional liability insurance, sublimits are usually a stated percentage of an aggregate limit of coverage under a policy. For example, under a lawyers professional liability policy written with a $500,000 aggregate limit of coverage, there may be a 10 percent sublimit on coverage (i.e., $50,000) for punitive damages. In property insurance, however, sublimits may be stated as dollar amounts or as a percentage of the limit that would otherwise apply. For example, under a commercial property policy with a $2 million limit applicable to loss from all other causes, there may be a $100,000 sublimit on coverage for loss from flood, a $500,000 sublimit on loss from earthquake, and a debris removal sublimit of 25 percent of the direct damage loss amount. In both examples, the sublimit is the most the insured can collect for the type of loss to which the sublimit applies.