Is this seems like an incomplete question. Homeowners policies typically have personal liability on them.
You can get a burglar alarm, increase your deductible or lower you personal liability limit. As to the deductible and liability limit you'll need to check with your mortgage company as they will dictate the minimum amounts. You can also shop around other companies.
Alabama's one of the states that requires minimum liability insurance. Alabama stipulates that an individual who has minimum liability insurance must have insurance that will cover the following Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000/$50,000 Limit Property Damage Liability: $25,000 Limit.
Domestic animals are not covered under the homeowners policy. As it pertains to a liability situation, a dog would be considered 'property' and the homeowners "damage to property of others" provision in the liability section of the policy applies but only if you were the one who injured the dog, usually with a limit such as $500.
No. You must at least have liability insurance bodily injury liability limit of $15,000 per person, $30,000 per accident, and $5,000 property damage limit.
The homeowners insurance would need notification.I would notify both cause actually both the renter and the owner can be at risk as far as liability. I would recommend increasing your liability limit to at least 300K if its not there already.
Yes. For a theft loss, conditions and limitations on the amount of coverage may be applicable. Additonally, many policies limit the amount of coverage to 10% of the total policy limit for contents for all covered losses away from the residence premises. //
Yes, if they accept liability and they will pay up to the limit of property damage coverage.
the standard policy says two years
A professional insurance agent is qualified to help you determine what limit you need. Excess liability or umbrella coverage can provide high limits at a price that is substantially lower than your general liablity coverage. You should consider buying this coverage to increase your coverage limits.
Yes. A homeowners policy provides the widest and most coverage for the money of any type of insurance there is. You have coverage for up to 10% of your coverage C limit off premises. This way you have coverage while in storage, on vacation, a child's property in their dormatory at college, etc.
A business name is not required to obtain general liability insurance for your business. It is recommended that you incorporate your business to limit your liability.
The easiest way is just to ask them. Bear in mind though that most homeowners insurance policies now exclude coverage for damage and injuries from pets. Fortunately though our mandated ACA compliant health care policy will cover the associated cost and it has no limit and it does not matter how or where the injury occurred. Some homeowners purchase property coverage but do not purchase liability coverage, So there may or may not be coverage for your injury under the homeowners insurance policy. You will have to start a lawsuit and when you do (providing you were bitten by their animal or injured some other way) the lawyer or judge will find out the insurance information during something called disclosure and discovery. In the discovery process your attorney will learn if they have a homeowners insurance policy, if that policy has liability coverage and if the policy provides liability coverage for owned pets. If they do have and the policy has liability coverage and pet injuries are covered under the policy then you may receive a judgement. It would be much easier to just ask them first rather than have to sue first. Also bear in mind that an ACA compliant health insurance policy already covers such injuries.