Premises and operations.
Aggregate = per year, which generally is the policy period.
The name of the actress with red hair in The General Insurance commercial is named Tommy Carl.
Commercial Insurance is for a business. (general liability, worker's comp, etc.) The term "non-commercial" insurance isn't generally used. There is commercial insurance and personal insurance (i.e. homeowners, personal auto)
All the major insurance companies offer general liability insurance for commercial workplaces. Some of these are Nationwide, Progressive and Allstate.
This will vary with the surety company and the state in which you reside. No easy answer.
You need commercial General Liability Insurance
General Liability insurance is purchased through any insurer that provides commercial insurance lines coverage.
this means that the ins co. will cover all the accidents during this policy period
Commercial General Liability Insurance.
Inspection and Appraisal 96317 Companies-Inspecting for Insurance or Valuation Purposes - Products - completed operations for this classification are subject to the General Aggregate Limit