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I am assuming you mean a tenant in a commercial building as opposed to a residential tenant (i.e. apartment dweller). A tenant in a commercial building will typically be a business of some sort (eg. a Retailer located in a shopping Mall, or a manufacturer who rents a warehouse or plant, etc.). Whatever the case, it is important for a commercial tenant to be properly covered by a Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy which will provide protection against claims for Bodily Injury or Property damage caused through the negligent actions of the Tenant/Business. A prudent Landlord will require all of his/her tenants to carry CGL coverage and will seek to be added to the policy as an "Additional Insured". This will help protect the Landlord from lawsuits brought about by the negligence of his/her tenants. Hope this helps.

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Q: What is Commercial General Liability Insurance for tenants?
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Why Tenants Liability insurance?

The property Owners Liability Insurance does not extend coverage to a Tenant. This is one reason a tenant might want to buy their own tenants liability coverage for their own protection.

How is general liability insurance different from comprehensive general liability insurance?

Personal Liability insurance is purchased by individuals and is normally included as part of a residential insurance policy, such as a Homeowners, Condo or Tenants package. It provides the insured with protection against lawsuits from third parties arising from the ownership and/or occupancy of the residence, including the personal actions of insured persons (eg. a visitor to the residence slips and falls on the front walkway due to a build up of ice/snow). General Liability insurance is the common abbreviation used in the industry to refer to "Commercial General Liability" insurance. A Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance policy is purchased by a business and provides protection against claims by third parties for Bodiliy Injury and Property damage arising from the operations of the insured. Example: ABC Construction Inc. wins a contract to construct a new office building. During construction one of ABC's employees drops a hammer which hits a passing pedestrian on the head. The pedestrian sues ABC Construction for his/her injuries. ABC's general liability insurer will defend ABC in the lawsuit and pay any judgment which may be rendered against ABC (up to the policy limit). Hope this helps.

Can your homeowners insurance be cancelled because a tenant allowed a guest dog over who bit him?

That is a liability issue and generally policies are not cancelled for liability. You of course required your tenants to get renters insurance so their own personal liability insurance would pay.

Does the owners liability insurance cover contents of a a fire when the renters lost everything?

Is homeowner liability for a fire?No, This is why it is recommended that tenants obtain a renters insurance policy to cover their belongings and personal liability. The owners insurance is for the owners own property and legal liabilities, so unless the owner is somehow responsible for starting the fire, the owner would not be liable for the tenants property.

Does homeowner insurance cover renters fall?

No, the property owners coverage does not provide coverage for a tenants property or liability.

If I put my house up for rent, what kind of liability insurance do I need to buy before I let tenants occupy it?

There are landlord and owner liability insurances available. A good lease agreement and deposit for damages can also help you cover damages by tenants.

What services does Electric Insurance provide?

Electric Insurance offers six products and services: Home Insurance, Auto Insurance, Condo Insurance, Tenants Insurance, Umbrella Insurance and Personal Excess Liability - GE Employee Benefit.

Where can someone find information on landlords liability insurance?

Many insurance companies offer this type of insurance to landlords. More information can be found at your local Landlord-Tenants Act offices or website, and many other sites online offer valuable information about landlords liability insurance.

What is the difference between Property owner's liability and Tenants liability?

Property owners Liability is the financial , legal liability attaches to property owners due to their property, where as tenants libility vice versa

How can one get premise comprehensive general liability insurance so one can get a satellite dish installed in your apartment. management wants tenants to get that insurance?

Renters insurance is inexpensive and offered by most insurance companies. This policy would cover your personal property in your apt, including the sat dish, in case it was stolen, damaged by storm or fire, etc.

Why do you need liability insurance on land you do not use?

Liability insuranceIn the Unites States, a landowner can sometimes be held liable for certain occurrences on the owned land. A Landowner is typically NOT held liable for the actions of tenants. This is what Renters Insurance is for. A Tenant can purchase property and liability insurance on a tenants policy. A property owner also is Typically NOT liable for the actions of criminals or others that may have entered your property illegally.So while its a good idea to maintain some type of Liability Insurance for Vacant Land to cover some occurrences where the owner might be liable. One should not presume that the property owner is liable for anything and everything that might occur on the property.

What is the Landlord Tenant Act?

The Landlord Tenant Act is the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants. General obligation of tenants and landlords. It also governs the rental of commercial and residential property.