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You pay for your, they pay for theirs, that's all.

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Q: What if you and other party are backing of a parking lot and hit each other at the same time whos liable and both don't have a drivers license?
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Are you liable for the damage to a car in the no parking zone when backing out of a legal parking space?

If you back into somthing its your fault regardless of whether it was parked improperly or not. You were suposed to be looking

Who is liable if a driver of a borrowed car backs into another car in a parking lot and drivers of both cars have misplaced their license and no report was filed?

The driver of the borrowed car, if at fault, would be liable in this case. If no report is filed, either with the police, or their insurance company, most likely no one would be held liable.

Are you liable for a person parking in front of your house?

Liable for what? A parking ticket? Not if it isn't your car.

You were at a complete stop in a parking lot when the car ahead of you began backing up and then hit you you feel as though she is completely liable as your vehicle was not even moving are you correct?

yes you are correct. the person backing up is responsible for making sure the area behind their vehicle is clear.

What do you do if you are being held fully liable for a backing up accident in a parking lot when it wasn't your fault?

When the police determine fault, there is little you can do. You could fight it out in court, but it may end up wasting more money in the end.

Vehicle gets hit while pulling out of parking space by a car that is going backwards and hits the side of your car who is liable under new york law?

It will probably depend on who was backing out first. The first one backing should have the right of way. Also the driving laws don't officially apply in private parking lots. The insurance companies will look at the collision based on driving laws though.

You got caught driving with no insurance for the second time?

Drivers caught with no insurance for the second time would have their driving license confiscated. They will also be arrested and will be liable for persecution.

Who is liable if a passenger steps out of your car and bumps the car next to your car The car next to your car is parked over the line in your parking bay?

In a parking lot, the blame is 50/50 (NO MATTER WHAT!!). You could be in the grocery store and somebody could obliterate your car by backing into it. The way the law looks at it, its 50/50.

While backing out of a parking space I hit another moving car am I at fault I live in Wisconsin?

Yes, at least partially. If the moving car was being operated recklessly at the time it hit you, the other driver may also be partly liable.

If you are backing up in a parking lot and you strike a car that is parked where there is not even a spot are you liable or is he?

Think about this your are backing up, and your neighbors little boy is playing in your yard, and he isn't supposed to be in your yard and you hit him, (a) did you see him? can you hit him because he is not supposed to be there? We are responsible to know what is behind us and be aware of where our car is going. Two wrongs do not make it right. I think you are responsible for hitting a car that is behind you when your are backing up.

What happens if in an accident not your fault but you do not have a license?

Fault in the accident will not be affected by the status of your drivers license. Therefore, the person who is at fault will be responsible for damages and his insurance will pay. You will, however be liable for the fine and ticket you will receive for driver without a license. The important point to remember is that if you had been at fault, you would be liable to pay for the repairs of the other persons car as well as for any medical expenses, loss of wages, and permanent injuries.

Who at fault when parelle parking cause an accident?

Same as if your not parallel parking. Whoever it was that hit the other car is liable for the damages and repairs.