which insurance company yours or 'At Fault' car?
The 'at fault' party's company (assuming they have accepted full liablity)should cover:
1) the damage caused by the accident to your vehicle. or the actual cash value of the vehicle should it be deemed a total loss, and any sales tax, licensing fees etc (total loss)
2) a rental car while yours is either deemed non-driveable and/or under repair, and for an additional 72 hours AFTER an OFFER of settlement has been made on a total loss (please note OFFER doesn't mean you agree with the amount)
3) any medical treatment you or your passengers received and an injury settlement for these injuries. due to the accident.
4) loss of wages, if there is an injury and time missed from work (by doctors orders only that you have to stay off work-not if you just don't go to work because you want to get this taken care of, and no injury, this is under injury only)
some states have P.I.P. which works differently on the injury, you have to reach a thresold to be entitled to an injury settlement.........
Depends, in ontarioyou go to ur own insurance company for any fixes...a nd then your insurance company on ur behalf will get the money back from the other ppl involved.
Probably. When you purchase insurance, you are insuring the car. If you drive someone else's car and have an accident, their insurance should cover the costs (but their insurance *may* sue your insurance company for compensation/reimbursement.)
Yes it should, but the auto insurance company may have to pay the medical insurance after the claim is paid.
You should be talking to the insurance company that insures the vehicle you were a passenger in. If it was a single vehicle accident they will be responsible but if it wasn't then the at fault drivers insurance would cover it.
The insurance should cover an accident while it was in force. If you had insurance 2 months ago and the accident happened 2 months ago, coverages should apply. If the accident happened today and the coverage stopped 2 months ago, there should not be coverage.
As long as your insurance was valid at the time of the accident it should pay up to it's policy limits. It is possible that your insurance company will issue a non renewal at their earliest opportunity.
The at-fault party's insurance should cover your vehicle. EVEN THOUGH OUR INSURANCE HAD RUN OUT BY AMONTH?
depends on your and his insurance, generally insurance follows the driver not the car. so your insurance shouldn't care, their insurance should pay for everything. If they don't have insurance, then your uninsured motorist might cover it. It depends entirely on your company, but if your company pays then your premiums will go up. The person they hit should have insurance that may cover it. I see no reason why your insurance should be involved.
There are several different options in order to get an Accident Cover insurance. Depending on the country one lives in one might check for example "Aviva plc" (British insurance company) or "eHealthInsurance" (American company) - just to list two of them.
Car insurance wont cover health insurance. Car insurance will cover any medical bills related to an automobile accident you are involved in though. If you were in an automobile accident, contact your auto insurance company right away.
The owner of the car is liable for the accident itself and the damage. However, the insurance company might have to pay for it, depending on the owners insurance cover.
If an underage permit driver had an accident in a noncustodial parent's car, the insurance of the custodial parent should cover the cost. Contact the insurance company for full coverage benefits.
If the damage occurred during the accident in question, then it should.