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Home owners if you have it may cover

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Q: What if a person pushed a shopping cart into your car and damages it will that person's insurance pay for it?
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If a car was in an accident and the person driving had no licensed but was not at fault will the other persons insurance pay for damages because they were at fault?

Yes the insurance carrier of the person at fault will pay for the damages if they are in fact proved to be at fault. However you will be cited for driving without a license.

Does homeowners insurance cover a shopping cart hitting a car by a person?

Automobiles are covered by Auto Insurance. If you have full coverage auto it will repair any damages caused to your vehicle by the shopping cart, minus your deductible of course. Homeowners Insurance does not cover automobiles, if it did, we would have no need for car insurance.

What to do to get a persons license suspended that had no insurance and did damage to your vehicle?

Your best bet is to sue the person for your damages and let the law take care of the other part.

If an insured person hit an uninsured person will the insured persons insurance pay for the damage?

Depends on the state.. and if the state is a "no-fault" state. Typically, in a no fault state, the person at fault pays for damages incurred. In a no-fault state (such as Michigan), each person pays for their own damages.

Does the at-fault driver with full coverage insurance pay for the other car?

No The person who is at-fault is responsible for your damages. His insurance will pay for everything. Tow, rental, damages.

If you get into a car accident and the other person does not have insurance do you still pay the deductible?

This depends on many factors, including the ability of the other person to pay for your damages. Some insurance policies will not require you to pay a deductible. Others will. If the other person can pay for the damages, you and your insurance will not have to pay.

Why is having 21st century insurance important?

Having insurance in general is important; auto insurance especially. Not only is it illegal to drive without auto insurance, but if a person were to get into a car accident, he/she would have to exchange insurance information with the other person involved in the accident. A hefty fine can follow if he/she does not have insurance. The insurance will pay for the damages done so that he/she does not have to pay out of pocket. The same goes for homeowners' insurance. If damages are done to a person's house, then the insurance will pay for the damages. Overall, it doesn't matter if it is 21st Century Insurance or another insurance company. Insurance is very important to have.

What is the formal term used for a insurance person who estimate damages?

An "estimator"

If a person has already claimed damages from the at fault drivers insurance company can that person still go ahead and sue the person at fault?

No, the insurance company when settling the claim will have you sign a waiver of damages for their insured before giving you a check.

If your car is hit and you have no insurance is the other person liable for damages?

If someone causes damages to your property, they are liable. This means, however that you have to deal with their insurance company directly, rather then your insurance company doing it for you.

Who or what insurance company pays for the collision damages to the automobile belonging to the person not at fault?

The other person's insurance covers damamge if it was their fault.

Does landlord insurance cover car damages on property?

No, that's what car insurance is for. If someone hit your car, that person is the one liable for your damages, not the property owner where it was parked.