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Q: What happens when your in a accident in Michigan with no insurance?
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In Michigan if you don't have car insurance and in an accident that is not my fault what happens?

As far as I know, if you don't have insurance, you ARE at fault.That's how it is everywhere I've heard of, but I don't know about Michigan.Good Luck!

What happens if an accident is your fault and you have have insurance?

When this happens, your Insurance company pays for damages. If the accident is your fault, your insurance rates can go up.

What happens if you in an accident and you have expire license and no insurance?

no insurance + jail

What happens when you have insurance at the time of an accident and then it gets cancelled does the insurance still cover the accident?

Yes it does. The cancellation of an insurance policy is not retroactive.

What happens if your in a accident and you have sr22?

The same thing that happens if you did not have an Sr22. The at fault parties insurance generally pays for the accident.

Who covers an accident when it happens in your driveway homeowners or auto insurance?

Auto insurance.

Will your insurance premium go up if you are not at fault in Michigan?

Usually if an accident is determined not to be the insured's fault, then their insurance rates will not rise as the insurance company did not lose any money from covering the driver involved in the accident. If the accident is determined as being inconclusive, the rates may rise some, to adjust for the amount of money the insurance company lost in the accident.

What happens if accident is your fault?

Well Someone will sue you and the insurance will do something about it!

In Michigan if you are in an accident not at fault and have liability insurance only is the driver at fault responsible for damages to your car?


What happens when you have a car accident with a driver that has no vehicle insurance?

I hope you had insurance for this. The uninsured motorist will probably be broke

What companies offer life insurance that covers an accident?

The AAA life insurance offers insurance that will cover an accident, whether it be in the UK or when travelling. This means that when an accident happens, the AAA will take all responsibility and help through the payments etc.

What happens if you have a minor car accident and you have no insurance?

You pay for all damages if you were at fault, and get a citation and fine for not having insurance.