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They can be sued by the other driver for damamges (if At Fault). If not at fault, they may have a very difficult time getting insurance in the future and when they do, the premiums will be through the roof.

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Q: What happens when a licensed driver gets into an accident and does not have insurance?
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What happens if an unlicensed driver is driving insured car and has accident and not at fault?

You must be licensed to drive, or have a permit and a licensed driver with you. Otherwise, there are legal consequences for that driver. The insurance company may not pay for any damages depending on the policy.

If the owner gave permission to a licensed driver is the licensed driver still responsible to pay for an accident?

It is my understanding that the car owner's insurance pays for the person who was hit. The driver's insurance is responsible for the car he/she was driving.

What happens if an uninsured driver borrows your insured car and gets in an accident?

Depends on the state laws. Typically driver insurance coverage is extended to any driver of the vehicle insured. Insurance covers the vehicle and any legally licensed driver with permission to operate the vehicle.

What happens if a 16 yr old licensed driver in ca is driving a car without renewed registration or insurance?

If stopped or in an accident they will be arrested and the vehicle will be impounded. This is the only answer I can give you.

What happens if the driver who is not at fault for an accident does not have insurance in California?

Typically, the uninsured driver will be cited for it, and your insurance co. is liable for the damages.

How does the insurance company of a licensed driver look at an accident where the driver they covered is at fault in an accident where the driver not at fault has a suspended license will the insuranc?

It does not matter to an insurance company that the other driver had a suspended license. Liability is determined by the factors of the accident and the evidence put forth. The fact that the other driver had no license does not affect liability or the handling of the claim.

What happens when you have a car accident with a driver that has no vehicle insurance?

I hope you had insurance for this. The uninsured motorist will probably be broke

Does insurance pays claims for under age driver accident?

Ordinarily, an auto insurance policy will require that the driver be licensed as a condition of coverage. Therefore, absent extenuating circumstances, probably not.

What happens if you are in an accident with an unlicensed driver?

Most cases you get jailed if the accident is severe. If its not too much you get a ticket for driving without licensed driver. Depends on country to country though

What happens if an excluded driver on your insurance policy cause an accident but you let them drive?

The insurance company is not liable to pay out any damages that were caused in the accident and they cancel your policy. This means that the driver bears the full financial burden for the costs of the accident.

In California what happens if an uninsured unlicensed driver is driving your insured car and has an accident and the other driver is licensed and insured is at fault?

the insurance of the owners car would have to be liable. basically, your not gonna get sh*t cus driving with no license or insurance automatically makes you at fault--regardless of who really in all actuality was. DONT DRIVE WITH NO INSURANCE.

What happens if a driver with a suspended license the registered owner's insurance pay?

What are you asking? Have you had a motor accident? Did the other driver have a suspended licence?