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It would be no difference than if the people involved in the accident had different insurance companies. The coverages are the same so there would be no difference.

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Q: What happens when a car hits you and they have the same insurance as you?
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Yes your insurance will pay for it because if you have good insurance it will pay for it

What happens if someone hits your car with no insurance but you got no fault insurance?

you pay alot of money stupid

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What happens if someone hits your car with their car and you have no insurance and got hurt?

If you have no insurance you may get a ticket, but you will want a police report on the accident to claim their insurance, if they were at fault. so call the cops

What happens if the driver at fault hits a car and the driver at fault has no insurance will the car that hits you have to pay for your car?

If you have comprehensive insurance, your policy will cover the damages (less a deductable). In this case, your insurance company will sue the at fault driver. You can also sue the at fault driver for damages (if you do not have comprehensive).

What happens if the person that hits you is covered in another state?

Nothing happens if a person that hits someone in their vehicle and their insurance is covered through another state than the accident happened at. Car insurance companies will pay for damages no matter where they happen at.

What happens when a person hits your uninsured parked car in front of your home they have full coverage?

if it there fault there insurance pays

What happens if you have named non owners insurance and you drive a car that is not insured and someone hits you?

you can get fined if the police finds out

What happens if you have no insurance and you totaled your car?

you will have to pay a debt and GET CAR INSURANCE

If a car hits my house does car insurance or homeowners insurance pay?

I have the same question! A car did hit my house and I started to go through my homeowners insurance , but however I am thinking after all the problems that I am having with my homeowners that maybe it would have been best to go through the car company insurance.

If a car on finance is stolen and insurance pays out but then the car is recoverd what happens to the car?

It belongs to the insurance company

If someone hits your parked car and you call your insurance will your rates go up or will their insurance take care of everything?

If your car is parked and someone hits it, your rates should not go up. The other car's insurance company should take care of everything, even if you have the same insurance company. You are entitled to have your vehicle repaired following an accident that was caused by someone else.